MARKET TRANSFERS FC BARCELONA | Chelsea insist on Aubameyang


Act at 00:46


The blue coach, Thomas Tuchel, wants to reinforce a forward that has been left without Lukaku or Werner

Xavi considers him non-transferable and Barça prefers Memphis to leave

Chelsea maintains its interest in Aubameyang and is willing to force a negotiation with FC Barcelona to try his transfer. The ‘blue’ coach, Thomas Tuchel, wants to strengthen his attack because he has lost Timo Wener and Lukaku and wants to have a player he knows very well, since he already had him under his command at Borussia Dortmund . The German manager is pressuring Chelsea owner Todd Boehly to make a good offer and fight for the player.

Barça already had some suspicion that Aubameyang could arrive with a proposal from a club, since last season he had a very good performance with the Barça team. When the proposal arrives, he will study it, but today they prefer that the striker who comes out is Memphis Depay.


Xavi considers Aubameyang a very important piece and has declared it non-transferable because there is no question of doing without it. In the club they respect the position of their coach but, logically, they are obliged to listen to all the offers that arrive. Aubameyang this season has to go on to receive a much higher salary, because when he signed he agreed to come for very little money so that the club could register him without problems.

The Gabonese striker is also in favor of continuing to wear the Barça shirt, because he is very comfortable at the club and has fit in very well with the team. Now, with Lewandowski he will have to play much less. This season he will wear number 17.
