Mark Zuckerberg announces the arrival of NFTs

During a conference during the SXSW event in the United States, Mark Zuckerberg made a major announcement about the future of Instagram. Indeed, the social network teams are working on a system to integrate NFTs into Instagram. ” Over the next few months, the ability to bring in some of your NFTs, and hopefully over time being able to monetize things in that environment,” detailed Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

If we already know the group’s projects for the metaverse and its components (NFT, virtual reality, etc.), it had not yet officially positioned itself on the integration of NFT into one of its platforms. Not officially, because in January, we learned that a marketplace dedicated to NFT was under construction at Facebook and Instagram. This place would also work with Novi, a digital wallet in which Meta places a lot of hope.

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If Novi’s support was not mentioned by Mark Zuckerberg, the model of a marketplace for buying, using and selling NFTs is confirmed. However, the characteristics of these tokens on Instagram remain to be determined. Photos ? Memes? A boomerang? A story? Objects from the metaverse carried on the social networks of Meta?

Let’s assume that the group’s strategic vision is successful and that users lead a virtual life, in universes created by brands or other users. ” I would like the clothes your avatar wears in the metaverse to be cashable as NFTs and you can take them to your different locations“continues the CEO of Meta.

By personalizing one’s avatar with limited edition clothing created by Adidas, or a Zelda hat won in a contest, the use of NFTs would make it possible to certify their ownership, cultivating at the same time the rarity of certain objects. Thus, we could export this avatar and its personalization elements to Instagram, or Facebook.

But the founder of Facebook remains aware that it won’t happen overnight,” There are a lot of technical details that need to be ironed out before it can be done smoothly. “.
