Mark Zuckerberg announced a new feature for WhatsApp

After several months of testing, the WhatsApp Communities, the new update of the messaging service that will allow you to manage groups more easily. The news was confirmed by Goalthe company that owns WhatsApp, and also announced by mark zuckerbergCEO of Targetin their social networks.

“Today we launch Communities on WhatsApp. Enhance groups by enabling subgroups, multiple threads, ad channels, and more. We are also implementing surveys and video calls of 32 people”, explained the businessman in an Instagram post.

With this update, it will be possible to gather different groups under an “umbrella group”: if a user has several groups of friends or several groups of co-workers, they will now be able to group them in the same community, in order to simplify the list of groups already that it is common that they become too many, overwhelming those who must read all those messages. Once the Community has been created, the different groups that are considered to be in line with its theme can be added.

Smaller and more specific discussion groups may also be organized. For example, the administrators of the communities will be able to send messages to all the members of the community under the “group announcement to the community” tool, when they want to make an important announcement or announcement so that all the participants in the group find out. This is very useful, especially since there are so many messages in the groups, many times specific information that users need to communicate is lost.

In terms of security, Meta explains that progress has also been made on that point. With this update users will have end-to-end encryption. This means that no one (not even Google) will be able to read messages as they travel between devices.

In addition to this new feature, WhatsApp has announced several new tools. Some are already available to many, such as reactions, and others will reach users shortly. New possibilities are also added, such as sharing files of up to 2 GB and generating polls in chats.

by RN

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