Mark walks 100,000 kilometers for mental health: “This provides new energy”

Leaving your home and all your possessions behind and walking 100,000 kilometers with the minimum of possessions to draw attention to mental health: that is the goal that Mark Verdonschot (40) has made his life’s mission. In addition to the journeys he takes on foot, he also picks up litter and wants to plant 100,000 trees. NH is walking with him today in West Friesland, from Scharwoude to Hoorn.

The idea of ​​walking long distances to draw more attention to mental health did not come out of the blue. During a trip to New Zealand, where Mark was with his then girlfriend, he decided to walk across the country. “It was during the corona period, so I was stuck there for a while. During that hike I thought: if I keep walking all my life, I think I can walk 100,000 kilometers.”

“I was actually addicted to everything except alcohol and drugs”

Mark Verdonschot

With this goal, Mark wants to inspire others and create more awareness for mental health. That psychological stability was not always self-evident for him. “I don’t come from a stable family,” says Mark. “I was bullied and my father left when I was 12.” Those problems have led to gambling and porn addiction. He also suffered from depression. “I also ate and smoked a lot. In fact, I was addicted to everything except alcohol and drugs.”

Mark’s addictions and depression became a vicious cycle until he started walking. Mark discovered that this had a healing effect. “It cleared my head and led to many wonderful encounters. This gave me new energy.”

Tackling litter and planting trees

During the walks he noticed that he came across a lot of litter. He wanted to do something about that. For that reason, Mark always takes a grabber with him to keep it as clean as possible. “I also want to leave a legacy, which is why I support projects that plant trees in locations where they are needed.”

For Mark, who currently leads a nomadic existence, it was important to live as minimalist as possible. That started just before his world trip, when he left his home behind. At the time he decided to walk a total of 100,000 kilometers, he also gave up his other personal belongings. “It’s incredible what you get in return,” says Mark. “I have had very special encounters and been to places I would otherwise never go.”

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Photo: Snapshot Video 244111 (01:26)

Mark gets the most satisfaction when he sees that his mission inspires others. “Just by offering a listening ear to people, it can change their lives. It gives me a lot of energy when I see that someone has changed something in their life that has turned out well.”

The trips that Mark makes are paid for by donations. For this purpose he started a page on Next week Mark van Hoorn will walk to Den Oever. Then he goes to Friesland. Mark will then travel to Slovakia and Denmark to hike there as well.

‘Never give up’

To people who – like Mark in his younger years – struggle with depression and/or addictions, he has a short but firm message: “Never give up, no matter how you feel. Go outside. Then you will feel fitter, you open up new possibilities and meet new special people.”

Do you want to support Mark Verdonschot and his mission? Then look at his page

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