Mark Rutte seems to be skipping Inside Today: ‘His team does not dare’

Mark Rutte has still not scheduled a performance at Today Inside in the run-up to the elections. “I don’t think his campaign and communications staff are up for it.”

© SBS 6

The men of Today Inside have a huge following of conservative voters, yet VVD leader Mark Rutte does not seem to be joining this audience hit in the run-up to the elections. Wilfred Genee tells in the online section In The Hallways it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen.


Wilfred talks about it with political reporter Merel Ek. “Suppose: in the unlikely event that we get Mark Rutte at the table again, what would you really like to hear from him? What would really intrigue you that he should be discussing here at this table?”

He continues: “It’s hard to believe he’s coming, but you never know, do you? What would be a point that you say… you should attack or speak to him about that?”

Slippery Rutte

Merel wouldn’t know. “That is the problem. We do that every Friday at the press conference. And no answer ever really comes out. It goes everywhere… he slips through. And he knows how to talk a little bit about everything. Or he’s joking again.”

Merel thinks it would be good if the Prime Minister made an appearance in Today Inside. “I think it would be good if he came to you… Have you interviewed him yet?”

“Does he dare?”

Wilfred: “On the radio and sometimes on BNR, but never here. But yes, do you think he dares to do that?”

Merel: “I think maybe he dares. But I don’t know if his campaign and communications staff are up for it.”

Wilfred: “Would he dare to do it himself? He’s fast enough? “

Merel: “Yes, I think so. Only, it can also make for very uncomfortable TV. I don’t know if he’s completely on board with the humor. “

Firm approach

Johan Derksen is quite done with the prime minister. Wilfred: “Do you think Johan would go on it? That Johan would tackle him firmly?”

Merel: “That can hardly be any other way now, right? After you have already called three times on national television for you to leave and: ‘Get out!’”
