Mark Levengood fulfilled his dying mother’s last wish – Ended up in illegal business

Mark Levengood reveals that he ate a cannabis cake because his mother wished so close to her death.

Mark Levengoon says he fulfilled his mother’s special last wish. Atte Kajova

A writer and journalist who has been called the most famous Finn in Sweden Mark Levengood59, says Sommar i P1 – program about his drug experiment. He says that he tried cannabis bread, and the reason for trying it was strange to say the least. Levengood says it was his dying mother’s last wish. Aftonbladet writes about it.

First, though, his mother would have liked to eat the cannabis-infused pastry herself. Levengood recalls his encounter with his mother when she was in palliative care in Åland. Palliative care refers to the treatment of a terminal illness.

Both Levengood and his mother knew the end was near. The man asked his mother if she still wanted to do something before she died. A surprising answer came to this.

– He was lying on the bed in the palliative ward and looked thoughtfully at the ceiling. Then he said that “a cannabis cake like that could be fun,” Levengood recalled on the radio show.

Surprised Levengood asked, Does mother know what this really means. Mom said she knew. She explained her desire by saying that she had not previously been able to imagine doing such a thing as an officer’s wife.

Levengood returned to Stockholm and took it upon himself to find his mother the bread she wanted.

– I didn’t want to deny my mother her last wish.

“I lost my balance”

Already the same afternoon, the man received a freshly baked brownie containing cannabis from an acquaintance. However, Levengood ran into a problem. He was in Stockholm and his mother was in Åland.

– Should I smuggle it? That doesn’t sound like a good idea at all, Levengood remembers thinking.

Mother also agreed. Mother had a new idea at this point. He suggested to his son that he should eat a brownie and tell him what the experience was like. Levengood took every step of the way.

– It was not nice. Maybe I ate too much or too little. It felt like an elevator going up and down and I lost my balance. I fell asleep and slept for 14 hours, says Levengood about his experience.

The next day, the man called his mother and told her how everything had felt.

– He said happily that “oh how great, now I can die satisfied and happy”.

Levengood’s mother died in 2020. Aftonbladet writes that Levengood cannot face sanctions for the crime of drug use, as the crime has already expired.
