Marja Hintikka is annoyed by the assumption of parenthood

Presenter Marja Hintikka stands behind her choices. She talks about her parenting at the Aki Linnanahde Talk Show.

Presenter Marja Hintikka talks about her attitudes in the episode of Aki Linnanahde Talk Show, which was published on Saturday.

Hintikka is known as a presenter of numerous favorite programs. This spring, Hintikka has hosted the Secrets of My Family and the Song for Love program. Hintika has three children with her husband, the presenter Ile Uusivuori.

Hintikka and Linnanahde discuss how they work, mothers of young children still face prejudice.

– When I went to do Marja Hintikka Live, a talk show with a giant investment, I had one two-year-old and one colic baby, that is, in a way, two babies. I went to the dune big, and Ile got caught. Of course, there will be such heaven and wonder, but it has to put water on the goose’s back, Hintikka says.

One question annoys Hintikka in particular.

– One that takes a pig … which is so stressful when people come in that “when you’re that kind of career, Do you feel now that the kids are a little older, Do you feel like you’ve missed something?”.

Hintika always has the same, direct answer.

– Actually no. I have made those choices quite consciously.

– This has been the right choice for me to make such a choice. I don’t feel like I’ve been any unrestrained career mom. When I’m home, I’m full at home. When I’m at work, I’m at full time. On the contrary, I have got everything. I deliberately say sometimes really annoying because I find it heavy that I kind of hope I’m in a way that “yes I regret missing my child’s hobby” so they can say they haven’t missed any of their child’s hobbies, Hintikka says.

Hintikka ponders that with this, commentators are thinking of “getting the blessing of having completely left themselves uninhabited and put themselves in a clumsy parenting”.

Hintikka reminds that sometimes she is tired and upset too. Therein lies his message.

– Mom and Dad are just people, Hintikka says.

Presenter Marja Hintikka knows that a career and a family with children can be combined. Inka Soveri

Source: Aki Linnanahde Talk Show
