Mariupol may be worse than Ypres battle: Ukrainian President Zelenski

Mariupol may be worse than Ypres battle: Ukrainian President Zelenski

“Thousands of civilians have died in Mariupol. There is simply nothing left, no water, no food, no medicines. There is no life anymore, nothing essential for survival.”

He compared the situation in Mariupol with the battle of Ypres during the First World War. “What’s happening in Marieopol may be even worse,” Zelenski said.

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Battle of Ypres

The Battle of Ypres is known as one of the greatest battles of the First World War. It actually involves four battles. Poison gas was used for the first time in the second strike. The third battle (October 12, 1917) was the worst: hundreds of thousands of soldiers died at Passchendaele.
