Mariupol evacuation also impossible according to Red Cross

Mariupol evacuation also impossible according to Red Cross

The Red Cross reports that the team it dispatched on Friday to facilitate the evacuation of thousands of civilians from the Russian-besieged Ukrainian city of Mariupol was forced to turn around because conditions “made it impossible to proceed”.

The Red Cross team, made up of three vehicles and nine personnel, was unable to even reach Mariupol, let alone facilitate the safe passage of civilians. The team will make another attempt on Saturday, according to the Red Cross.

Earlier Friday, an aide to the mayor of Mariupol said the besieged city remains closed to anyone trying to enter, as it was also “very dangerous” for anyone trying to leave.

Russia had announced a humanitarian corridor for Mariupol for Friday, but it had not been opened in the morning, according to the assistant. According to him, “since yesterday the occupiers have not allowed humanitarian aid, even in small quantities.”
