Marit Björgen’s parables and success

Jonna Sundling has risen like a rocket on top of a ski people’s closet.

Jonna Sundling has also shown her ability on normal trips this season. PASSI FLAME

Three medals from Beijing. This season in the World Cup six times with the podium. In Falun, a superior sprint win.

Swedish skier Jonna Sundling27, is the largest comet of this ski season.

Sundling was previously known as a pure sprinter, but this winter he has also shown his ability in normal distance racing. The Swedish star was third at Holmenkollen 30 kilometers and Lahti at fifth.

Prior to this, Sundling had only reached the top ten in the World Cup twice in the World Cup. It’s unbelievable that Holmenkollen was his first 30-mile race in the World Cup.

The success has come despite the fact that Sundling was injured in November and had a thumb in the plaster for a month.

How can a Swedish skier be so strong both in sprint and on normal trips?

– Endurance training combined with speed characteristics. Endurance training has clearly been successful in light of the results. That combination is not always very easy, Iltalehti’s expert said Reijo Jylhä praises.

Marit Björgen won everything possible in her career. Pasi Liesimaa

Jylhä compares Sundling to an eight-time Olympic winner.

– He comes to mind Marit Björgen. He is a muscular and high-performance athlete who also has good oxygen uptake. If the training is successful and restrained, he will be one of the hardest skiers to win in the future.

The ex-pilot of the Finnish national team calls for sensible training.

– If all goes wrong, there may not be any success next year. Björgen was superior in sprinting in the early 2000s. He was away from the top for a long time, but returned almost invincible.

Successful for every trip?

Jonna Sundling (right) climbed to the podium in the first 30-kilometer race of her career in the World Cup. AOP

Sundling debuted at the World Cup in the spring of 2015. He competed in normal trips from the start, but there was more sprint on the calendar. They also produced significantly better results.

The first podium came only in 2018 in the Falun Free Sprint. Opening win next fall.

Sundling made a real breakthrough last year when he won the sprint and doubles world championships.

Beijing became the first Olympic gold.

– Sprint gold was a really big deal for me. It has been my dream and goal for years. It finally came true, Sundling said in China.

Jonna Sundling won three medals from Beijing. PASSI FLAME

Sundling has also become a “Finnish pourer”. He defeated at the Olympics many times Krista PärmäkoskiHolmenkollen in turn Kerttu Niskasen.

In Sweden Frida Karlssonia has been held Therese Johaugin as a successor, but there have been enough problems in his career.

So could Sundling step into the big boots?

– No one can take Johaug’s place because he’s Johaug. With success, Sundling can climb high in both skiing and on many trips. He has wider opportunities, Jylhä says.

– Like Björgen, he can be a significant winner from sprint to thirty.

Sundling is racing this weekend in Falunis.
