Mario Picazo advances the arrival of a phenomenon that nobody wanted: “We will have them with us”

On at 09:37


It is very important not to let your guard down

May is ending and leaves a much better feeling than the two previous months. At least, it has somewhat alleviated the despair of the citizens due to the lack of rain, since during the last two weeks It has rained in most of the Spanish territory. The remaining days of May will continue the rainfall and it is already known how June will start.

Mario Picazometeorologist from, He has spoken about how the end of May is presented and the beginning of June at the climatic level. “In many areas of the peninsular interior Heavy rains expected with accumulations throughout the coming week in some areas higher than 80 or 90 liters per square meter”, he begins by saying.

Regarding this week, Picazo says that there will be precipitation and storms that locally can be intense and accompanied by electrical equipmentlightning and hail, as we have already seen during the past week.

“The higher accumulated rainfall can be recorded on both plateaus and occasionally in large areas of the Mediterranean. Rainfall will be less likely this week in the extreme north of the peninsula and in some areas of the south and the Canary Islands, although they are not ruled out.”

In addition, there will be other weather phenomenon that will predominate in most of the countryapart from precipitation and hail. The MeteOrihuela website shared four images of a huge storm located in Orihuela (Alicante): “Impressive structure of the storm! This afternoon (05/29/2023), capture of the moments prior to the possible “#downburst or #WetBlowout” that is currently affecting the city of Orihuela”.

Given this, the meteorologist quoted the tweet with the following response: “The storms do not let their guard down during this start of the week and we will have them with us intermittently for much of the remainder of the week.

‘El Niño’ is taking shape

Mario Picazo has once again insisted on a feared phenomenon. On April 9, she shared a tweet in which she confirmed that she “was taking shape.” The expert points out that “globally positive water temperature anomalies predominate in our oceans. El Niño is gradually taking shape and the contrast between a warmer than normal North Pacific and and a much colder Pacific off the coast of North America.”

It should be noted that ‘El Niño’ is a natural phenomenon characterized by fluctuating ocean temperatures in the central and eastern part of the equatorial Pacific, associated with changes in the atmosphere. That is, it has a great influence on the climatic conditions of various parts of the world.

It should be noted that ‘El Niño’ is a natural phenomenon characterized by fluctuating ocean temperatures in the central part and eastern equatorial Pacific, associated with changes in the atmosphere. That is, it has a great influence on climatic conditions in various parts of the world.
