Mario Götze comments on his World Cup chances

Champions League? “great lust”

Götze, who had trained with the Frankfurt team for the first time in the morning and was cheered on by numerous fans, came from PSV Eindhoven for around three million euros and has a three-year contract with the Main. The former Dortmund and Munich native got back on track in the Netherlands after a difficult few years.

Götze feels particular anticipation with a view to the Champions League. “I’m really excited about it. I’m looking forward to the opponents, to the games, to the rhythm of playing every three or four days,” said Götze. He wanted to “attack again” in the premier class.

He also says in relation to his personal situation: “My family wants to move here, definitely. We will have the center of our lives here. I haven’t had that many points of contact in the last few years, but I have two friends here.”

The most important statements from the press conference can be read here:

1:58 p.m.: The role of the world champion in the team: “Sportingly, the most important thing for me is to play and also to be an example for the younger players. I’m always a fan of leading the way, but more on the pitch than verbally. If someone has experience want from me, I’m always willing to help.”

1:57 p.m.: First contact with Eintracht: “That was a year ago, but I wanted to finish my time abroad, also with Roger (Schmidt, editor’s note).”

1:56 p.m.: About his family situation: “My family wants to move here, definitely. We will have the center of our lives here. I haven’t had that many points of contact in the last few years, but I have two friends here. I visited them from time to time . I’m looking forward to experiencing the city in a new way.”

1:55 p.m.: What makes Eintracht football special? “The consistency they showed in the important games, to be there as a team when it matters. In addition, the emotional connection with the fans distinguishes the club and means that you as a player can bring in special performances. I think that exciting and I hope that with my willingness I can contribute to the success.”

1:54 p.m.: The time at PSV Eindhoven: “It was interesting for me to see another league. The Dutch league is something different to the Bundesliga with the classic 4-3-3.

1:53 p.m.: About the decision in favor of Frankfurt: “Frankfurt has been on the screen more in recent years, for example the DFB Cup victory, but also the strong last season.”

1:52 p.m.: Frankfurt meets Bayern on the first day of the game. “There is a high turnover in the squad, a lot has happened. But I’m looking forward to playing at the start and at home. I think there are worse things:”
