Marine Le Pen, who is the sovereign who can beat Macron

Andmmanuel Macron – Marine Le Pen, the game is all open. No winner in the first round of French presidential, which took place on Sunday 10 April. a ballot between the incumbent president and his most bitter enemy on April 24: Le Pen won 23.4%, beating the other challengers. Macron, on the other hand, reached 28.4%.

Who is Marine Le Pen, the French presidential candidate

Presidential elections: Macron-Le Pen ballot

But if the “macronists” rejoicetoo much proximity in the results with the far-right party scares Europe very worried about a possible victory of the “antisystem” candidate which Putin, who has always been very close to her, would be happy with.

the pen

Marine Le Pen, the great fear of Europe

Marine Le Pen for the third time try to conquer the Elyséeafter the disappointing presidential elections of 2017. However, his advance has frightened Europe as never before because of its position near Moscow.

After a TV duel against Macron deemed disastrous, the guide of the then Front National, today Rassemblement national, had even gone so far as to make his ability as a leader almost doubtful. Unacceptable for Le Pen, who with great calm and strength it has risen with a populist policy who speaks to the belly of the French saying how much their interests must be put first. And without clearly opposing the sanctions against Russia, you counter them by convincing the citizens of how much impact they can have on them.

From advocacy to politics

Born in Neuilly sur Seine, the chic suburb of Paris, on 5 August 1968, she is the youngest of the three daughters of Jean Marie Le Pen, founder of the far-right party Front National. She briefly practiced as a lawyer in Paris before entering politics. In 1998 his first victory as regional councilor in Nord-Pas-de-Calais. She therefore becomes an MEP in 2004 and will remain in the European Parliament for 13 years.

Le Pen takes over daddy’s party power

In 2011, Marine Le Pen succeeds her father as the leader of the Front National. A long journey begins to renew the image of a party, considered too extremist, made up of sympathies with neo-fascist and neo-Nazi circles and links with nostalgics of the monarchy. I walk that also leads to change its name in 2018, transforming it into Rassemblement national (RN).

Marine Le Pen seeks to sever relations with that past and to build a respectable image of a leader who can legitimately aspire to a role of responsibility. And she succeeds in part during this electoral campaign, in which while maintaining high attention on its traditional theme, zero immigration, gave more voice to French economic protectionism. In fact, in the last election campaign, his anti-immigrant action was much softer than in the past, replaced by promesse relating to interventions to support family incomes he was born in household purchasing power.

This time the lsovereign leader has chosen to show a new, calmer image and reassuring, exhibiting his mild passions for cats and gardening. And it worked. Because at the moment, Le Pen can truly hope to become the first female President of the Republic in the history of France.

