Marimekko and Samsung to cooperate – Even wallpapers have to be paid for

Marimekko’s iconic pattern will arrive in the spring on accessories for Samsung mobile devices and certain televisions.

Marimekko’s patterns arrive on Samsung’s The Frame series televisions. You can access them if you are a member of the monthly paid Art Store wallpaper shop. Samsung

The Korean electronics giant Samsung and the Finnish design company Marimekko have announced a collaboration.

Maija Isolan the Unikko pattern, designed exactly 60 years ago, will arrive in March on accessories of Samsung’s Galaxy product family, such as protective covers for phones, wristbands for smart watches and charging cases for headphones.

In addition, Marimekko-themed wallpapers are available for the Korean giant’s televisions. They will be downloadable to the Art Store found on The Frame series televisions, whose membership costs five euros per month.

The wallpaper collection for televisions includes thirty Marimekko designs and three changing seasonal collections. So far, no more detailed information has been published about Marimekko accessories or their prices.

Source: Samsung
