Mariëtte came, saw and conquered: her first fodder beet wins ‘world championship’

She participated for the first time and outpaced everyone: Mariëtte van den Berg from ‘t Zand won the traditional Bietenbal of the De Dorstige Biet association. She grew the largest fodder beet and took home no fewer than three prizes. “For someone who is participating for the first time, this is very special.”

Once a farmer said to another farmer, “I have a huge fodder beet,” to which the other farmer said, “Mine is heavier.” The conversation in the pub turns out to be the beginning of what is now called the Beet Ball.

Neighbor Cor

The concept of the ball is simple: who from the Noordkop grows the heaviest fodder beet? Everyone from Den Helder to the imaginary border of Bergen, Alkmaar and Hoorn can participate. Decades later, the event still proves to be a great success. The number of participants increases every year.

Together with seven neighbors from the village, Mariëtte van den Berg from ‘t Zand also participated this year. It was neighbor Cor who inspired them: “Last year he participated and finished in the top ten. This year the goal was to beat him.”

With success, as it turned out today after the election for the heaviest fodder beet. A proud Mariëtte talks passionately about her fodder beet, accompanied by the trophies she has just won.

Fiftieth time next year

Next year the Beet Ball will be held for the fiftieth time. Just like every year, anyone can register. Due to the different categories, there is something for everyone. This way, people with a small garden can also participate in the potted beet category. Whether we will see Mariëtte again remains unclear for the brand new winner.

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