Mariëlle Tweebeeke and Jeroen Wollaars really on the seesaw? ‘Nonsense!’

Are Mariëlle Tweebeeke and Jeroen Wollaars really on the lookout as presenters of Nieuwsuur? Or are critics exaggerating a bit too much? According to the presenter himself, the latter…

© Merlijn Doomernik

Expectations from Nieuwsuur were high in the run-up to the recent elections. The viewer was counting on razor-sharp interviews with the party leaders, but it was quite disappointing. People hardly talked about it, little happened and to make matters worse, Mariëlle Tweebeeke made a huge blunder at Pieter Omtzigt.

Jeroen puts things into perspective

According to ratings authority Tina Nijkamp, ​​the viewing figures of the news program have really declined and media expert Victor Vlam even thinks that Mariëlle and her co-host Jeroen Wollaars are on the verge of collapse. “I certainly cannot rule out that they were replaced by other presenters at Christmas,” he says.

What a fuss, Jeroen himself sighs. “Also put the viewing fuss into perspective: our program scores another 10-12% market share. At and even above the target. There were and always are outliers in all directions. Nothing to worry about,” he wrote in a message X.

Nieuwsuur Island

Jeroen writes this in response to a message from journalist Ton F. van Dijk. He shares a fragment from Nieuwsuur showing Jeroen having an interview with professor Michèle van Vugt about long covid.

Ton: “Here, ‘just’ a journalistic conversation is being had about long Covid and the biological cause. Important for many people. So let’s not just talk about viewing figures when it comes to Nieuwsuur, but let’s cherish the fact that this ‘island’ exists in the total offering!”

‘Not missing!’

And that is clearly appreciated by Jeroen, although he does put Nieuwsuur’s viewership malaise into perspective. Star interviewer Antoinnette Scheulderman is happy with it: “Good. Wouldn’t want to miss you guys 🙏.”

And a certain Marja underneath: “Let’s cherish Nieuwsuur, a very nice real journalistic program! And compliments to the NOS news for, among other things, the expert reports regarding the high water levels.”
