Marieke Elsinga worked on a PR plan for Viagra coffee: ‘All night long’

Marieke Elsinga has worked on a marketing plan for Viagra coffee in the past. “Then I said: then you should do the song under that commercial: ‘All night long! All night!’”


Today Marieke Elsinga is a neat presenter of programs on radio and television, but she used to be a wild girl. In the past, for example, she has been involved in the launch of Viagra coffee. “Ten years ago I lived in Dubai for a few months,” she says in her morning show on Qmusic.

Viagra coffee

She was there for work. “And we had a business relationship there, Steve. I think Steve was in his late fifties, of South African origin and he always called me Maree-key, because of course he couldn’t pronounce Marieke. Steve was a real business man and he was arguing with us one night in the shisha lounge about his new business.”

What business? “He wanted to market a coffee with the properties of Viagra in Dubai and he wanted to put it at night shops and gas stations. He was honestly quite advanced in its development. Strong coffee, for sure.”

HOT coffee

A name had already been devised for the product. “He already had a name: ‘HOT coffee’, and we were brainstorming a bit about a slogan, about commercials, actually a bit of the marketing campaign. So then I came up with the idea to subtitle ‘HOT coffee. Keeps you up all night.’”

And then? “Then I went a little further in that brainstorm, and then I said: then you should do the song under that commercial: ‘All night long! All night!’”

Won Yip

The product was ultimately never released. “I don’t think so, so if you’re listening, Won Yip, or any other Dragons’ Den for that matter, I’d just grab this idea!”
