Marie Laurencin, scorpion painter, free woman in a world of men

“AND cheerful, she’s good, she’s spiritual, and she’s very talented. She is my woman.” Guillaume Apollinaire’s words are better than any biography. Marie Laurencin was a Scorpio painter capable of illuminating the shadowy eroticism of her sign thanks to the brightness of her Sagittarius ascendant.

Marie Laurencin was born on October 31, 1883. (Alamy / IPA)

Melania Mazzucco told it in her book Self Portait dedicated to women in art. Daughter of an embroiderer and a deputy who did not recognize her, Marie lightened the seduction of her Moon in Scorpio with the pastel tones of unexpected joy. Jupiter conjunct Mars in Leo reveals the ambition modulated by Mercury in Libra, in the house of success, determined to assert itself in a world permeated by machismo. And she does so by transmitting joy in her paintings and the sensuality of youth with such a modern flair that Cocteau himself called her “the gazelle”.

Uranus, in the meticulous sign of Virgo, instilled in her the desire to learn, starting as a meticulous porcelain painter at the École de Sèvres. The Sun in Scorpio in the house of social relationships facilitates contacts with Braque and Picasso. Henry Roché, seduced by his pictorial grace, becomes his lover. Marie is a free woman and she reveals the true essence of her by painting Les biches, The fawns. A somersault of sensuality and erotic subtlety capable of stopping the wonder of being in the world.

