Mariasole Pollio, star of Battiti Live: My recklessness saved me

Lsummer of Mariasole Pollio it is organized on two music festivals. Live beats – where he is next to Elisabetta Gregoraci and Alan Palmieri (the program airs on Italia 1 every Tuesday until August 2nd). And the Coca-Cola Summer Festival – where on 15, 22 and 29 July he will hold the bench with Rebecca Staffelli.

Very popular on social media, he just finished high school. But in your curriculum you already have a lot of experiences, divided between TV And cinema.

“My night before exams”

How was the night before exams?
The last oral exam I did a week ago. Unlike many friends, I had a very quiet evening at home. I did something a little emotional: I looked at myself Night before exams and I thought back to these five years, certainly different from those of my peers but also very beautiful. Then I went to sleep early: I couldn’t wait for the next morning to arrive.

Is it nostalgic?
Yes, I am just like that. I often write super emotional thoughts, all about the passing of time (laughs, ed).

“The acting? My only certainty “

His first approach to acting came when he was only three and a half years old, with his first “theater-play” course. Was it always so clear about her?
Many things are still not clear in me today: I feel I am evolving. But acting has always been the only certainty, the only constant. I don’t know how to explain it well but I know it’s a part of me. I always had the certainty that it was my way ».

And what do you recommend to young people who, on the other hand, are unable to decipher their own?
To take the time to look inside. Many times we do not ask ourselves what we really like and we are in such a great hurry to have to prove that we are capable, that we hardly ask ourselves what. To all this must be added a fair amount of study and perseverance. When you study what you want to do, you also feel more confident because you have some basics.

Mariasole Pollio. (Valentina Facchinetti Press Office)

What does this rush to prove capable of at all costs arise from?
I think it’s part of evolution: there are always new things. But I believe that in this speed it is also important to stop: when you stop and understand the moment in which you are, it is not wasted time. It is the time you earn for your future. We millennials were born like this, everything is fast for us, we have a lot of stimuli since we were little ones. Just think about social media.

“My recklessness saved me”

His first set was with Don Matteo. Remember what she had surprised her the most?
Team coordination, from direction to photography… On set I learned that nothing exists without a team. Then I was struck by the magic that is created during a scene: it’s beautiful. It is as if the world stops.

At the age of 14, the first co-management of Live beats… How can a girl of that age handle all of this? Is there something that “saved” or otherwise protected it?
My unconsciousness (laughs, ed). I threw myself into this challenge one hundred percent, even if I still didn’t have much awareness of what I was doing. This saved me: taking everything as one big game.

No sense of responsibility, then?
Of course, in reality I already felt a great, very great responsibility but, here, the unconsciousness of a young girl who wanted to have fun and just made me live it with such carefree. I had a bit of anxiety that today I don’t say I no longer have, but I feel much more serene.

Can you keep some of that unconsciousness today?
Yes, absolutely. It is a very fine line because I am aware of the medium but also of the fact that sometimes awareness itself bothers you, because it does not make you spontaneous and natural. Every time I find myself driving I try to remember how that little girl threw herself… And I do exactly the same.

“My summer full of music”

This summer, between Live beats and the Coca-Cola Summer Festival, it is full of music. Which artists, Italian or international, do you listen to the most in this period?
Definitely Jovanotti. But also Justin Bieber, even though he’s not releasing new songs (but I always listen to him). Among the summer hits I think of that of Rocco Hunt and Elettra Lamborghini, but also of The sweet life by Fedez, Tananai and Mara Sattei.

On Instagram has one and a half million followers
I have learned over time to create my balance on social media. Before when I was away I felt the responsibility of always having to be online and available. Then, growing up, I realized that this is not the case. Unfortunately I have learned to measure the things I share. I think about it a lot more because I realize that everything I say has enormous exposure. I am much more careful.

Mariasole Pollio at the Etrio Spring / Summer 2022 fashion show. (Getty Images)

Mariasole Pollio: “My relationship with food, anxiety and panic attacks”

He wrote a book, Beyond (Mondadori Electa), in which he talked about panic attacks and the problems he had with food. Because?
At some point I realized that maybe I wasn’t telling the truth to myself and others. When I was offered to write this book, I gave myself the opportunity to let myself go and accept myself exactly for who I was, despite falls, slips or insecurities.

Was it difficult to expose yourself so much?
When I shared it with everyone, I got rid of many, many, burdens. And I realized how I have accepted and overcome particular moments. I talked about my relationship with food, anxiety and panic attacks. I have to tell you the book has been a safe place. The pages were my tone of voice and respected my time (I wrote it in many months). Even today I realize that I really wanted this result: a sincere and spontaneous story.

“Wow! I’ll be in the Pooh’s docu-film “

In autumn the first docu-film on Poohs will be broadcast on Rai (Pooh – In the soul), which will have two different narrative registers. There will be the telling of their story and there will also be a part fiction, where she will be the protagonist. What did you think about when you got this proposal?
“Wow, that’s cool.” These were my exact words. This union between music, which is always recurring in my life, and acting is beautiful. And then the honor of being able to tell such an incredible story as that of the Poohs … I will play the role of a girl of the new millennium who “discovers” the Poohs. Ne sI am very happy and I think it is a truly innovative project ».

