Maria Veitola’s social media update caused social outrage

Maria Veitola’s latest Instagram update has caused discussion on social media.

Maria Veitola has had a long career as a presenter and journalist. Pete Anikari

Media personality and presenter Maria Veitolan the latest Instagram update has heated up emotions on social media.

Veitola posted four shots on her Instagram account, in which she imitated social media photos taken by the women of the Kardashian-Jenner family. In the pictures, Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Khloé Kardashian and Kylie Jenner pose in scanty clothes in various sexy positions.

The Finnish presenter has attached his own versions next to the photos and poses in them in a ski vacation mood, dressed in a thermal layer in a cabin environment.

– I don’t know if it’s my age in my fifties, the fact that I always skip stretching and body care, or the fact that I’m just such a dull, stiff person that I really don’t bend easily to those very natural basic positions, the idea of ​​which is -uh- so I guess I can tell about life and introduce yourself. (I’ll check this again!), Veitola writes.

– Kim also said that we have already trained so much, that I really shouldn’t realize that my father’s old and wrinkled Ruka thermal layer on top will never look the same. Or good. Or somehow “right”. I’m not sure what he meant by that, but I’ll check it out, the caption says.

Sparked a discussion

The comment field of Veitola’s picture was filled with laughing emoticons and amused comments. The presenter was also praised in the comments for posting very casual and relatable pictures on his account.

However, not everyone understood the presenter’s intentions. Among other things, media personality Iida Ketola commented on Veitola’s photos on Instagram.

– Thank you, Maria Veitola, for reminding in your own way that everyone has the right to pose exactly as they like without fear of what if some feminist laughs at my way of putting myself forward, Ketola writes.

– In my opinion, this is still raising oneself by trampling on “pretty girls”, one of the pictures published by Ketola reads.

There was also a discussion about Veitola’s own photo comments.

– Yes, the starting point is the idea that “all kinds of bodies are beautiful, let’s forget the pressure of appearance”, but no joking at other people’s expense. You get the feeling that the purpose of this is to raise yourself higher and seek validation in that way “look, I’m not like these other girls”, one follower’s comment says.

– It would be a different thing to publish pictures of yourself where you don’t pose and show your body from natural angles, in natural positions. But the fact that you pose to parody other women is just mean and bullying. I’m disappointed! one Facebook follower’s comment says.

Veitola answers

Veitola answered the critics in the comment field of the picture he posted.

– You are now interpreting me in a way that I do not recognize. Maybe you have a prejudice against me and want to interpret me maliciously? Responded to a commenter.

Veitola emphasizes that her intention was not to joke or put herself on a pedestal – she even says that she is a fan of the Kardashians. Veitola’s purpose was to break social appearance pressures and laugh at himself. Veitola says that even though she has good self-esteem, it is not easy for her to publish pictures of herself that match the picture.

Maria Veitola is a well-known presenter Maria Veitola in Yökylä program. He has previously hosted, among other things Enbuske, Veitola and Salminen program as well as Mary! program.

High jumper Jade Nyström recently visited Maria Veitola’s program.
