Maria Veitola says her menopause has started: “I’m a hot cat”

Media personality Maria Veitola says on Instagram that she is proud of her menopause – and that others should be too.

Maria Veitola talks openly about her menopause. Riitta Heiskanen

Media personality Maria Veitola says on Instagram that her menopause has started. For her, the symptoms of menopause have been an important transition to a new phase of life, of which she can be openly proud.

– I turned 50 years old in the spring and winter, I messed up the pajama party of my dreams and I got the first clear symptoms of menopause. What a birthday present! Veitola writes in his social media update.

– Hello, can you hear me, my menopause is here!

He reminds us that menopause touches everyone’s life. Veitola says that she immediately made an appointment with her gynecologist and told the news in a heartbeat.

– My wonderful gyne said: “Fortunately, this is the beginning of a new, wonderful time in my life. Yes! I’m Maria 2.0.

Veitola reminds that for many, menopause is an embarrassing subject of shame that causes anxiety. For someone, it can mean the feeling that “everything is already over”. He expresses those thoughts in his writing.

– I understand that the symptoms and changes can be distressing if you don’t understand what it is, or you can’t get help for your ailments. For me, this time means that I am finally the person I always had to become. Now I know who I am, what I’m made of, what I want and with whom. I am strong, wise and free, what could be better than that? He glows.

The media personality warns her followers not to call menopause a grandmother’s disease.

– At least I’m not a grandma, I’m a hot cat, she says.

You can see the full update below or from here.
