Maria Theresa of Austria 3: previews of the last season

TOAppointment tonight with the last chapter of the saga of Maria Theresa of Austria. It’s actually on the air on Rai 3, at 21.20, the third and final season of Maria Theresa-The pinnacle of power. It is an event-series created by Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Tell the story of one of first women of power in the world. Maria TeresaEmpress of Austria by a strange twist of fate, became symbol of female achievement.

His 40-year reign is remembered as a period full of economic reforms and cultural development. Not only that: her started the Habsburg-Lorrainea dynasty that ruled the fortunes of the Austrian dominions for almost two centuries (from 1740 until the First World War).

Maria Theresa of Austria: the first 2 seasons

The first two seasons of Maria Theresa of Austria-The pinnacle of power are composed of two episodes each (this third and last, develops in a single episode). They were broadcast in the rest of Europe in December 2017 (the first season) and in December 2019 (the second).

This third season instead aired in Europe between December 2021 and early January 2022, first streaming on Filmmit of the group orf (the equivalent of the Austrian Rai), then on Orph 2.

In Italy the series was always broadcast by Rai 3. The first season aired between July and August 2019. The second season aired in December 2020 (these first two seasons are available on Rai Play).

Previews of tonight’s episode

Maria Theresa of Austria 3 focuses on the last twenty years of the life of the Empress of Austria (played by Ursula Strauss), from 1760 to 1780, when she died from the consequences of a strong attack of smallpox.

It is a crucial period for her. In 1765 she lost her husband Francis I of hers (Vojtěch Kotek), former Duke of Lorraine. She is really and so much in love with it that she falls into a deep crisis: she cuts her hair short, gives up ornaments and jewels, puts black curtains in her rooms and wears black clothes for the rest of her life.

Ursula Strauss. (filmmit)

Above all, after the death of Francis I, the succession to the throne opens of the first son Giuseppe (Aaron Friesz). The latter received a top-notch education, growing up as a liberal influenced by the Enlightenment ideals of the time, but has a bad relationship with mother with which he finds himself having to divide the government of the kingdom. The clashes between the two are fierce. Maria Teresa imposes herself with a hard fist, but she struggles.

What the Empress is certainly good at is dictating marriage policy. For dynastic reasons, in fact, he makes sure that everyone the his children (he had 16) enter into marriages with one goal: strengthen Austria’s position in Europe. And the first one who has to respect the rule of agreed marriages is precisely Giuseppe.

The son marries the Bourbon-Parma princess who however falls in love with his sister

For Giuseppe, marriage turns out to be one of the worst misfortunes. Marries Princess Isabella of Bourbon-Parma (Jana Kvantíková). But their relationship is not limited to court etiquette. He transcends into what was perceived as outrageous at the time.

Isabella indeed falls in love with Giuseppe’s sister, Archduchess Maria Cristina (Sabina Rojková). Theirs is a passionate and intense relationship. Giuseppe still manages to have two daughters with Isabella, to whomhowever, touches a terrible fate.

The first daughter, Maria Teresa, died of pleurisy when she was only 8 years old. The second, Maria Cristina, died just three hours after her birth. And Isabella herself loses her life a few days after the second birth due to smallpox. But hers is not an accidental end: it is Isabella herself who deliberately gets infected in desperation.

Stefanie Reinsperger, Maria Theresa of Austria in the 2nd season. (filmmit)

Who is Maria Theresa of Austria

Strong, determined and against the tide, Maria Theresa of Austria imposed herself as a woman of power in Europe, despite the endless court rivalries and the hostility of other nations.

In 1740 it is the first and only woman of the Austrian house to inherit the government and possessions by virtue of a law issued by his father Charles VI who, before dying, had resigned himself to the idea of ​​not being able to have male heirs. The thing was looked down upon by many nations in Europe, so much so that it has come to the War of the Austrian Succession. Won, however, by Maria Teresa, who was recognized in the end as the legitimate heir.

However, she could not achieve the title of reigning Empress, and had to settle for that of Empress consort. Despite this, it was always and only her who made the decisions on the government of Austria, more than her husband Francesco.

16 children, none illegitimate

Maria Theresa of Austria had 16 children. Two have become Emperors: Joseph II and Leopold II. And among them there are Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples and Sicily And Marie Antoinette, Queen of Francewife of Louis XVI, who died on the guillotine in the French Revolution (her mother wrote her letters to reproach her for her frivolous behavior).

There is, however, no historical evidence of the illegitimate child the series is about. Historiographers agree that she never cheated on her husband (who cheated on her constantly), because she was really in love with her.

Were Maria Theresa of Austria and Sissi related?

Lived more than a century apart, Maria Theresa (1717-1780) and Sissi (1837-1898) they are often united by their highly independent and rebellious nature. Both empresses of Austria, both they made love marriages, albeit in some way respecting the “dynastic protocols”.

Maria Theresa married a man to whom her father had promised her in marriage from the age of six, but with whom she had really been in love since childhood (Francis I, former Duke of Lorraine). Sissi married Franz Joseph by “snatching” him from her sister Elena, initially indicated as the betrothed of the future Emperor (who, on the occasion of the meeting with Elena, saw Sissi and was love at first sight).

But, while Sissi it was totally impatient with the dynamics of the court, Maria Teresa respected them in a dutiful way, shaping them according to his needs.

The two were related but not by blood. In fact, Sissi married a nephew of Marita Teresa. That is, Franz, husband of Sissi, was the son of Francesco Carlo of Habsburg Lorraine, in turn son of Francesco II of Austria, son of Leopold II, son of Maria Theresa.

