Maria Passucci: If you are not in the networks, you are not in the world

In the era where virtuality is king, we have the possibility of being in every corner of the world from the comfort of our living room, and yet there are still many professionals who do not dare to use social networks.

“If I could tell you “face to face”, I would not risk being in the networks”.

In times where the image has a preponderant place, there are two things that cross professionals when faced with the use (or not) of social networks:

On the one hand, the sensation of being in front of the gaze of the other where the duality of “seeing and being seen” comes into play. Here, many feel that their image remains frozen on networks available to be criticized and ridiculed, observing only the negative connotation of “being seen” being exposed at the mercy of “what will they say”.

On the other hand, many wonder if they are authorized to say what they think and to what extent what is said in networks is endorsed by the community of colleagues. In addition, they believe that it takes away their prestige, makes them look unserious and gives rise to a (bad) opinion about them.

These preconceptions make them miss out on one of the great pearls of the 21st century.

The benefits of social networks for today’s professionals.

Social networks are the catapult to the world. For those who once dreamed of working in different countries, today you can do it with a good network management strategy and action plan.

Another of the virtues of platforms like Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn is that they put everyone on an equal footing. Today, with the networks, everyone can make their way and succeed in the professional world.

Although it is true that it is necessary to know digital Marketing and graphic design to be self-managing in your networks, nowadays learning both is within reach and with a “simple step by step” you can achieve what you want. propose.

But what I like most about social networks is that today there are various formats to connect in different countries at the same time, expand your job sources and your possibility of having clients anywhere in the world.

Doesn’t it look tempting?

Contact information:

Instagram: @mariapassucci_

WhatsApp: +5492494632445

Email: [email protected]

Linkedin: Maria Passucci

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