Maria Ohisalo revealed to the children – This is how much of the salary remains in the hand: “It’s really a lot”

Maria Ohisalo tells the children the exact amount, how much she earns.

Ohisalo also tells the children how he tries to prevent climate change through his own activities. FOUR

The chairperson of the Greens, Maria Ohisalo, will have to answer in Nelonen’s new one In front of the class in the program for children’s most pressing questions.

According to the name of the program, schoolchildren get to ask the party leader various questions and tasks that require self-discipline.

Kitty asks Ohisalo about his salary.

– It depends, of course. Probably what’s left in the hand in a month after taxes, that’s a lot. That’s more than many people in Finland earn, Ohisalo explains.

Ohisalo tells the children that his salary consists of an MP’s salary and a minister’s salary.

In the end, he says the amount he has left after taxes.

– you’ll probably have about 7,000 euros left in your hand, Ohisalo reveals.

Hearing the amount, Kiti looks at Ohisalo in confusion.

Ohisalo states again that the sum in question is a very large amount of money.

– That’s why I also try to give support to various organizations, for example to eliminate homelessness or nature conservation work and many other things, Ohisalo opens.

Ohisalo answered several of the children’s most pressing questions. FOUR

Prime Minister Sanna Marin (sd) and Petteri Orpo (kok) have also been seen as guests on the program. Riikka Purra, the chairman of Basic Finns, also appeared in the program.

The children asked Purra about, among other things, criticism of immigration and racism.

– Many call you basic Finns racists. What would you say to them? Hugo– the student says to Purra.

Purra sighs and states calmly.

– I would tell them that we are not racists, Purra answers the child.

The front-of-the-class program on Nelose on Thursdays at 8 p.m. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

Maria Ohisalo told Iltalehte last year how the first Mother’s Day feels. Inka Soveri
