Maria Lund’s sensual choice of outfit turned heads on TV

Singer-actress Maria Lund surprised with her choice of clothes in the Tähdet, tähdet program.

A new one started at Nelos on Sunday evening Stars, stars -season. In the music program, a group of well-known Finns compete with each other with their singing performances.

One of the stars of the evening was a singer-actress Maria Lundwhich featured a pop star Britney Spears Baby One More Time – a hit.

Lund was dressed in a red PVC outfit, which looked quite sensual on the singer. In addition to Lund, a group of background dancers were seen on stage, who were in turn dressed in black outfits.

Maria Lund performed pop star Britney Spears’ hit song. Four

Host Susanna Laine asked the artist about his mood after the performance.

– Absolutely amazing. This was really challenging in the end. Finding the right kind of crack there, Lund stated.

The jury gave plenty of praise for the singer’s fast-paced performance. Juuso Mäkilähde was satisfied that Lund was not wearing the school uniforms seen in the song’s music video.

– I thought it was great that there wasn’t that (school) world. There must be some school where latex or whatever is like that.

– We thought of something more relaxed to wear, Lund joked.

– Precisely. That’s the style of my home outfit, Mäkilähde continued.

Maria Lund turned heads with her red outfit. Four

In addition to Maria Lund, the program competes Sami Hedberg, Konsta Hietanen, Sara Siipola, Meiju Suvas, Lauri Mikkola and Mikael Forsby.

Stars, stars on Nelose and Ruudu on Sundays at 8 pm. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
