María Florencia Lanza: “Let no one come to you without leaving better and happier”

How were your beginnings in Marketing?

I started my professional career at the age of 19 working in multinational companies in the areas of Marketing, Trade Marketing and Training. For almost 10 years I had the opportunity to experience the corporate environment and train in companies such as Johnson & Johnson and L’Oreal de Argentina. I also worked in SMEs, which allowed me to have another look at the business world.

Years later I developed as an external consultant providing advice in the area of ​​new projects, training and marketing to both entrepreneurs and SMEs.

Throughout my life I had the concern of being able to leave something of myself in others and it was there that I discovered university teaching that kept me active for almost eight years.

At the same time, I continued training on a personal and professional level, in different areas such as NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), process management, marketing techniques, training and branding, considering that in the business field (whatever it may be) we always work with human beings.

What is your business related to the canine sector?

The deep love that I always felt and feel for all animals, especially for dogs, led me to develop my project, a “dog hotel” that today is the registered trademark “Los Campos Hostería Canina Passion for Dogs”. I have been leading this project for 15 years now, now an SME, whose mission is the care and emotional support of guests (dogs) as well as that of their families while away from them. An absolutely innovative project, which we accompany with the constant objective of providing the greatest possible happiness and tranquility.

Do you keep training to improve in each area you perform?

I am passionate about challenges, I reinvent myself every time I feel like it, it amuses me and makes me learn, that is why I am currently studying Personal and Organizational Ontological Coaching.

Focusing on one of my favorite phrases of Mother Teresa: “Let no one come to you without leaving better and happier”, last year I started with the motivational and self-knowledge workshops #citaconvosmisma. An enriching workshop that addresses the emotions that appear before starting a business, both professional and personal, and accompanies women to be encouraged to take that first step that can transform their lives. A space where I transmit the experience of my professional career together with what I have lived personally to demonstrate that transformation is possible if one wants it and works to achieve it.

Contact information:

Instagram: @maria_florencia_lanza


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