Maria Cristina Messa: “With the PNRR many more researchers in universities”

P.more attention to gender equality, more female researchers and overall doubling of researchers, targeted funding for research institutions, return of “brain drain”: minister of university and research, Maria Cristina Messa, presented the first measures adopted thanks to the NRP in a press conference, today in Rome.

Maria Cristina Messa, minister of the University and of research

First point, theattention to gender equality. For Maria cristina Messa we need more researchers: «We have in the guidelines that directed these calls an effort by universities for employ at least 40 per cent of women, but hopefully more“. A goal that makes Italy a virtuous country, given that Europe has set at least 30 percent. We want to go further, and this is good news.

“In the last year we have seen a 12 percent increase in female enrollment in Stem degreesThe minister continued. “And it is certainly a signal. We have foreseen an increase in scholarships for girls who enroll thanks to funds from the NRP, starting from this year ».

Maria Cristina Messa: “The brains must turn, not flee”

More generally, Maria Cristina Messa foresees a doubling of the number of researchers, with the de facto start of a post doc path, while the figure of the research fellow will disappear. The goal is to attract the best brains from abroad and, at the same time, allow our “fleeing” to return. “Brains have to spin, not flee,” she said.

The minister also announced one allocation of 4.3 billion euros under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) for 5 National Research Centers, 11 Territorial innovation ecosystems and 49 Innovation research and technology infrastructures. The choice was to give priority to large research centers and large projects, obviously rigorously selected, and not to parcel out the resources.

A new way of doing research will be bornwe will increase the degree of inclusion and distribution on the territory », he concluded.

