Margriet from BZV still happy in love

Gert had never been to Farmer seeks wife watched, but one night, out of boredom, zapped by. When he suddenly saw Margriet in the picture, something happened to him. “I don’t know what it was, a gut feeling, but I had to do something. After the program I immediately emailed the editors if I could get in touch with her.” He was advised to send a letter with pictures and he did. “And then on Thursday I received a message from Margriet. That she really liked my letter and wanted to keep in touch. We texted back and forth and called that same evening.”

I saw him and immediately thought: that’s him!

It turned out to be a bull’s eye. “We clicked so well. I think in a few days we sent 3 kilometers of text messages and together we called for 24 hours!”, says Margriet. They first met on Good Friday. “Gert came to Krimpen aan de IJssel, where I live. I thought it was quite exciting, because even though we had such nice conversations, how would it turn out physically? But I saw him and immediately thought: that’s him! And it smelled good too!”

Totally happy

Margriet and Gert are now a couple. Although she didn’t win in Farmer seeks wifeHer adventure has not been in vain. “Participating in the program was fun, but I am the big winner! Gert is a very nice, sweet and handsome man! I’m very happy. And that’s what it’s all about in the end.”

Source: The Stentor

May 18, 2022
