“Margins”: the review of the film by Niccolò Falsetti

Genre: comedy ✦✦ 1/2
Direction: Niccolò Falsetti. With Francesco Turbanti, Emanuele Linfatti, Valentina Carnelutti, Nicola Rignanese, Silvia D’Amico

“Margini”, seen in the Venetian Sic (photo by Francesco Rossi).

Hard to leave the province. Even more difficult to stay and introduce splinters of madness into the grind. Being on the fringes can also mean being 20 kilometers from everything: Rome, Florence, Pisa …

And if Bologna, with the dream of playing as a supporter, for the three young Maremma protagonists is unattainable, the aspiration then becomes to bring a famous street punk band to Grosseto.

A Almost famous local produced by Manetti Bros. which speaks above all of “that strange, disturbing, tranquility” of the place where you grew up and where friendships were born. “AND the feeling that nothing would ever happen there“. In the words of the authors.

✦ modest
✦✦ good
✦✦✦ great
✦✦✦✦ masterpiece

