Margarita Robles will go to Congress to explain the shipment of weapons to Ukraine at the request of ERC and Bildu

03/07/2023 at 2:25 p.m.


The PSOE votes in favor of the ERC and EH Bildu initiative despite the criticism it contains of the Government’s actions

He PSOE yields to the partners of Government and voted in favor of Defense Minister Margarita Robles attending the Plenary Session of the Congress of Deputies to explain the shipment of weapons to Ukraine. The Socialists have supported this Tuesday in the Board of Spokespersons the appearance requested by ERC and EH Bildu, two of the parties most critical of the Executive’s policy in the conflict, a request that United Podemos has also supported.

ERC and EH Bildu registered this request on February 23, one day after Robles announced in Congress the shipment of six Leopard 2A4 tanks to Ukraine; in the text registered and approved this Tuesday, These formations criticize the forms of the Executive at the time of making the announcement, noting that it is a decision “of enormous importance (…) that adopts the Government without having previously debated and voted in the Congress of Deputies”.

These criticisms have not been inconvenient for the PSOE to give the green light to the initiative and give the green light to the appearance of Robles in plenary session. The usual procedure in these cases is that the ministers questioned file voluntary requests to appear in Congress to prevent having to resort to the initiative of other opposition groups.

However, in this case the Socialists have accepted the proposal of the government partners, who have been extremely critical of Spain’s position in the war, thus aligning themselves with United We Can, which has also openly questioned the shipment of weapons, considering that it contributes to the escalation of the conflict. In favor of the initiative they have voted ERC; EH Bildu, PSOE and Unidas Podemos, while PP and Vox have voted ‘no’.
