Mare Fuori 4, first episode tonight on Rai 2: previews, cast

Dfter the release of the first 6 episodes on RaiPlay, tonight at 9.20pm on Rai 2 the first episode of Sea outside 4. The series set in the Nisida juvenile prisonin Naples, promises great twists. Unexpected implications that concern all the protagonists and which affect the plot.

“Mare Fuori”, the characters' #Confessions videos return to Raiplay

Sea outside 4the plot of the first episode

The first episode is titled In the name of love. The love is that between a father and a daughter, namely Don Salvatore Ricci (Raiz) and Rose (Maria Esposito), but also the one between two lovers, namely Rosa and Carmine (Massimiliano Caiazzo). Above all, it is the continuation of what happened at the end of the third season.

The series ended with the two young lovers inside the Mirabilis swimming pool. Reached by Don Salvatore, someone had shot. For months there have been rumors and inferences. More or less probable reconstructions of what happened, with an opening – and a hope – on the return to the scene of the deceased Ciro Ricci (Giacomo Giorgio).

During the episode we discover how things went. Rosa was called to choose between blood love for her family and romantic love for Carmine. She will be the one to pay the consequences, but she has unintentionally triggered the fuse for the opening of new scenarios. Next to her is Carminealways present, always in love and always convinced of wanting to build a future far from Nisidafrom Naples and their respective families.

“Mare Fuori 4”, Carmine and Rosa played by Massimiliano Caiazzo and Maria Esposito. (Sabrina Cirillo)

Rosa and Carmine in crisis, Edoardo at a crossroads

If Carmine, however, is ready to say goodbye to the Di Salvos, Rosa is still a fragile little girl, raised with the myth of her father, too weak to understand which side to take. And it is not certain that modern Romeo and Juliet can easily find a meeting point.

In the meantime Edoardo Conte (Matteo Paolillo) he wakes up from a coma. It was Don Salvatore himself who set the trap for him, who betrayed him, feeding him to Donna Wanda (Pia Lanciotti). In hospital at his wife Carmela is there to celebrate (Giovanna Sannino), happy that he has recovered, but anxious to save him when he needed a transfusion it was the lover, Teresa (Ludovica Coscione). And now she’s afraid he might show up at her bedside.

Furthermore, he has a score to settle with the Riccis. What is the best choice to make? In his path there is someone who tries to make him change his life. Again, he is Commander Massimo (Carmine Recano). «I know you’ve already made your choice, Edoardo, but you can go back», says to him. Will he learn his lesson this time?

Cucciolo and Milos opposed by Micciarella

The first episode of Sea outside 4 it also serves as a presentation of what will happen in subsequent episodes. Inside the penitentiary the dynamics change. Cub (Francesco Panarella) he is worried about Don Salvatore’s health and for the scenarios that could open up shortly. He is a staunch supporter of the Ricci clan and his greatest aspiration is to become part of it.

The relationship with Milos continues (Antonio D’Aquino), who however is the cause of constant friction with his brother Raffaele known as Micciarella (Giuseppe Pirozzi). Rounding out the trio is Dobermann (Salahudin Tidjiani). Unlike the other two, it is more focused on his feelings for Kubra (Kyshan Wilson) and on aspirations to rise in the underworld.

Speaking of Kubra, she is still angry with Beppe (Vincenzo Ferrera) for not telling her he was her father. He decides to go back to studying and experiences a crisis with Pino (Artem). The boy is in love, but he must learn to manage his anger. And it is likely that he will be fascinated by the Doberman.

“Mare Fuori 4”, Carmela (Giovanna Sannino) and Edoardo Conte (Matteo Paolillo). (Sabrina Cirillo)

Mimmo wants to change his life

Mimmo (Alessandro Orrei) is the inmate most convinced of starting a new life. He confides in Massimo and hopes that his mother will sooner or later forgive him for having succumbed to the flattery of the Camorra. Still, Giulia aka Crazy J (Clara Soccini) is struggling with the contract with the record company, but soon pays the consequences of his actions.

She is lucky to have Cardiotrap (Domenico Cuomo), the inmate from whom she stole the song, close by Origami at dawnthe only one who can help her. Alina arrives at IPM (Yeva Sai), a girl without documents, closed in her silence, but who finds an elective affinity own with Cardiotrap.

Pia Lanciotti (Donna Wanda) and Carmine Recano (Massimo) in “Mare Fuori 4”. (Sabrina Cirillo)

Among the new entries there is also Angelo (Luca Varone). AND a decent boy, who however hides something. Silvia (Clotilde Esposito) is sure she has already met him, but she doesn’t remember where. And in the meantime she carries on the relationship with Alfredo D’Angelo (Giuseppe Tantillo), the lawyer affiliated with the Riccis.

TO Sea outside 4 changes for everyone, even for adults

Sea outside 4 promises important changes even among adults. Among all, in Sofia Durante (Lucrezia Guidone). After a rigid and stormy start, the director begins to soften. Thanks to the relationship with Beppewhich shows her things from another perspective. And then Massimo. The commander always fought to save his boys.

It is a point of reference even for the most irrecoverable. Nevertheless during the new season his trust in others is put to the test. And inevitably the relationship with the Nisida boys changes.

The plot of the first episode is enlivened by an incursion by Ciro Ricci through his memories. Fragments of family moments which reveal the truth about the mother and Don Salvatore. Is he really the exemplary father that Rosa has always considered a point of reference and model to aspire to?

