Mare fuori 3 on Rai 2: Is Ciro alive?, is the fourth season ready?

ORIt has never become a cult series. Sea out by Ivan Silvestrini (tonight on Rai 2 at 21.20) is capturing more and more young people: both on the second network, but above all on Netflix – where the first two seasons are first places among the most viewed series of the week. While with the debut of the first episodes of Sea outside 3 on Rai Play there was a boom within a boom. With high display indexes and stories of those who are compulsively reviewing it. In short, a widespread strategy that is making everyone happy.

THE boys of the Juvenile Penalty Institute of Naples (inspired by those of Nisida) rock. It is their life stories inside the prison that hold the court, theirs emotions, loves, those possible and impossible, their hardness that becomes fragility and vice versa, failures, the desire for freedom and clashes always on the agenda. And they won’t be missing shock moments that have already shocked the fans.

Sea out: the third season

For those who haven’t seen season 3 yet Sea out expect everything. The journey of the characters to whom the public has grown fond of continues Carmen (Massimiliano Caiazzo), Edward (Matthew Paulillo), Philip (Nicolas Maupas) e Naditza (Valernina Romani) out of prison but perpetually on the run, Pine tree (Artem) in love with Kubra (Kyshan Clare Wilson), Gaetano ‘O Pirucchio (Nicolò Galasso) e Mimmo (Alessandro Orei). Someone will get lost along the way and on social fans find it hard to believe and are waiting for the fourth season

In the first few episodes, the fierce girl enters prison Curly Rose (Maria Esposito), sister of Cyrus (the only love of his life) murdered. From who? His purpose is to kill Carmen why family Di Salvo it has to do with the death of his brother. There vendetta it’s its primary focus, that’s why it’s there. There war between the Camorra clans Ricci and Di Salvo continues. Rose but he hadn’t come to terms with a feeling as strong as love. In fact, love will overwhelm all the protagonists a littleeven adults: Massimo (Carmine Recano), commander of the penitentiary police, definitively leaves the partner with whom he had a son for Paola (Caroline Crescentini), the director of the prison.

Fans and the success of Sea out: “It’s real life”

On social media we go wild. «How am I going to live now that it’s over Sea out?” Someone wonders. The answer is: watch the series on Rai 2. What is the secret of the success of the series? «Sea out it’s forgiveness, second chances, ability to mature and improve. Sea out teaches us to take charge of our lives and decide who we want to be, regardless of the social context in which we were born. It’s real life», they write on Twitter.

Many of the protagonists have become celebrities, such as Nicolas Maupas, Valentina Romani and Massimiliano Caiazzo. A bit like what happened to the actors of Skam Italy, were suddenly swept up in popularity. And there are those who are already thinking about the fourth season.

The cast of “Sea out”. (Sabrina Cyril)

The fourth season and the question that goes crazy on social media: “Is Ciro alive?”

Still has to start airing the third season that fans are thinking about the future and an incredible comeback. On social media we talk about nothing else: Is Cyrus still alive? In the latest episode of Sea Outside 3 there is a clue. The actor too James George he put his own into it by posting a photo of himself with Vesuvius in the background on social media, commenting: «There is no end».

Is it a message to make the fanbase dream? The enigmatic phrase sparked everyone’s imagination. After all Gomorrah docet: everything is possible! The other Cyrus is resurrected after Genny’s shot. He will also happen to Ciro di Sea out? Stay tuned.

Also in the cast is Chiara Iezzi of Paola & Chiara

There are several new characters who enter the prison of Sea out in this third season. Giulia (Clara Soccini) is one trapper cynical Milanese who is part of a gang of thugs. Brothers Raffaele and Luigi Di Meo (Giuseppe Pirozzi and Francesco Panarella) enter the juvenile institute after destroying a hospital ward, together with their friend Doberman. The two brothers are ambitious and want to climb the clan Hedgehogs.

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There is also Clare Lezziwhich we just saw performing on the stage of San Remo together with his sister Paola with the song Fury. In Sea out interprets the mother of the rapper Giulia.

