Marco Liorni, the post moved to his graduate daughter

StThere are very few things in the private life of Marco Liorni that we know. The reason? His total confidentiality, when it comes to telling himself in interviews on TV or in the newspapers. Furthermore, the conductor of Chain reaction he is not used to posting facts too closely related to his private life on his social profiles. A few hours ago, however, he did an exception. And she dedicated a thought full of love to her daughter who he has just taken his high school exam.

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Marco Liorni to his daughter: «When I listen to you I feel hope»

The Roman television presenter married in his second marriage to Giovanna Astolfi has in fact published on Instagram a photograph of the daughter, while happily embracing a bouquet of flowers, upon leaving the high school exam. AND the message he wanted to dedicate to her contains all the love a father can feel for his daughterin such an important moment as that of the end of high school studies.

«The teachers there in front of you, the turmoil in your stomach and in your head, the exam you will never forget. Then you said: “Now I’m going down… I want to breathe”. Inside you have beautiful things and when I listen to you I feel hope. You will go where this vital instinct that is powerful yet steeped in fragility will take you and that you will be able to love precisely because they are the borderland between you and what is growing in you…». At the end of the message the emoji of a red heart. And the hashtag #maturità. To remember this moment so full of emotion.

Marco Liorni, hosting ItaliaSì in the Rai studios in Via Teulada, in Rome, on 10 December 2022. Credit: Massimo Insabato/Massimo Insabato Archive/Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images

Marco Liorni and love with Giovanna Astolfi

In an interview with the weekly New, Liorni had decided to reveal some background on his relationship with his wife Giovanna Astolfi, journalist specializing in medicine and health. She had just told of the moment they met on the radio: «I worked there for only a month. But one day, as I was passing by the offices, I nearly ran over her with my car. I had to nail».

But at that moment many years ago (their wedding took place in great secrecy in 2014 in the United States) it all started. «I went downstairs, we started talking. It struck me first of all that he looked me straight in the eye. AND then I discovered his character, which is always positive. I have rarely seen her angry».

And, in another interview, he added. «I had noticed his pure eyes, his sincere smile, his strong character but also very soft and cheerful. At first I only thought of her as a very good friend. Then came love».

With Astolfi the conductor had two daughters: Emma and Viola. Marco Liorni, then, has another son – Niccolo – born from a previous relationship.

The TV commitment of Chain reaction

The popular face of Rai1 is back at the helm of Chain reaction for its fifth consecutive year. The link between Marco Liorni and Chain reaction it is now well established. And it is no coincidence that for the first time the game show will be broadcast every day at 18.45 on Rai1 until 31 December.

The commitment, therefore, is well spread over time. AND in 2024, Liorni should take over in that slot by Pino Insegno, the new conductor of the The legacy instead of Flavio Insinna. In the last three years Chain reaction it reached an average of 3,400,000 viewers. A success that Rai’s flagship network wanted to reward, confirming Liorni and expanding his presence on the small screen.

