Marco Giallini turns 60

RDOC man specializing in grumpy and cynical types (“on the other hand, with this face I have…”), Marco Giallini turns 60 today, April 4, 2023. Actor loved by the general public above all, since 2016 he is for everyone Rocco Schiavone the series based on the novels by Antonio Manzini who tomorrow, April 5, returns to prime time with its fifth season. Sly smile, unmistakably deep and hoarse voice, Giallini is a man of many lives.

Six times nominated for the David di Donatello, won three Silver Ribbons (the last one, “special” for Perfect strangers by Paolo Genovese) has become a character in our cinema belatedlyat 49, after the disappearance of his wife Loredana.

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The former suburban boy Marco Giallini turns 60

Son of the working class, Marco Giallini was a small town boy who dreamed of becoming a rock star. In the early eighties he played with a band, i Sandy Banana & The MonitorsJoy Division cover. And in fact, even today he cultivates a passion for bass, guitar and drums. He couldn’t stand school (“my children did the Classic, for me doing the Classic meant going around on a moped”). Instead, he jumped from one job to another, from house painter to soda vendor. Until it occurred to him to go to drama school The ladder From Rome. Thanks to which she had the opportunity to work with some great names of the Italian theater, from Arnoldo Foà to Angelo Orlando.

The first roles in the cinema

Film debut? In 1986 with an appearance (uncredited, for the substantial fee of 250,000 lire) in the marketing department of Department stores by Castellano and Pipolo (appears in the meeting scene, next to Heather Parisi and Michele Placido). A first important role is obtained in 1995 thanks to Angelo Orlando in his film directorial debut. Giallini is a policeman, the first of a series, in the film Next year I go to bed at ten.

Noticed at the theater by Marco Risi and behind signaled by his friend Valerio Mastandrea, he was chosen in 1998 for theLast New Years next to Monica Bellucci. Among the first important roles of him, that from co-star, suburban cop, in the’Smell of the nightAnd Of Claudio Caligari alongside Valerio Mastandrea. The scene in which he forces Little Tony to sing is unforgettable Crazy Heart while cleaning his house.

From Criminal novel to Perfect strangers And Rocco Schiavone

Yellows he has two sons, Rocco and Diego, born in 1998 and 2005 by his wife Loredana, who died in 2011 for a cerebral hemorrhage. The words that the actor dedicates to her are always touching. «The thought of her returning home at any moment lasts two years, then, you understand that dying is practice. Not at 40. Not in my arms, while we pack for the holidays,” he explained in an interview with Corriere.

60 years, time to take stock?

“NoI don’t give a damn,” Schiavone said in an interview with Agi: “For me it’s like when I was 35 years old. I do the same caciara, I say the same things, I ride a motorcycle. Usually we sleep less as we get older, but I sleep more… I do like Brad Pitt in Benjamin Button: I sleep a lot, I go to bed and sleep».

