Marco Borsato prosecuted for indecency with a minor: ‘Finally!’

Marco Borsato and all his famous colleagues seemed to be preparing for a comeback, but nothing could be further from the truth. The word is out: the Public Prosecution Service will prosecute him for fornication.

© William Rutten

It has been hanging over Marco Borsato’s head like a sword of Damocles for almost two years: will the Public Prosecution Service prosecute him or not? The public prosecutor believes that there is enough evidence that he lewdly touched a 15-year-old girl at the time. “This is charged as indecent exposure to a minor,” the statement reads press statement.

Borsato tapes

This will undoubtedly come as a hard blow for Marco. He already seemed to be moving cautiously towards a comeback and more and more colleagues were calling for him to get back on stage as soon as possible. Connie Witteman even started croaking that there should be reparations. That is not possible for the time being.

John van den Heuvel predicted some time ago that Marco would be prosecuted, because he has seen the evidence and, according to him, it makes no difference. The crime journalist was ‘frightened’ by the audio recordings made and it seems that Yvonne Coldeweijer also heard them.

Yvonne responds

Yvonne appears to be in contact with the victim and is pleased with this prosecution decision. “The woman in question is the daughter of a former employee of Marco Borsato. She filed a report and John van den Heuvel reported this in the Telegraaf on December 14, 2021,” she explains.

She continues on her juicechannel: “She states in her report that lewd acts have been committed for a number of years. Sexual assault involves unwanted touching of genitals, buttocks and breasts. The police have seized evidence that may support the report.”

Father figure

According to Yvonne, things are wrong. “Marco would act as a father figure in the girl’s life. He has always denied the allegations, but the Public Prosecution Service now sees reason to prosecute him.”

She concludes: “After all that long waiting, I can imagine that this news is SHOCKING for many people. Not for me. I can’t wait for the evidence to be revealed in court.”

Heavy news

The first reactions are trickling in. “Terrifying news!”, says media expert Ron Vergouwen on X.

A certain Mr. Johnny writes to all radio stations and says: “I assume that Marco Borsato will not be played ANYWHERE from now on or will he be able to do anything like a performance?”

Zara: “So for five years he ‘caressed’ an underage girl between the legs. But it’s Italian temperament.”

And Gudrun: “I’m very quiet about this for a moment. I think a lot. It’s storming in my head.”
