Marco Borsato ban on RTL 4 leads to anger: ‘What a cowardly choice!’

The channel management of RTL 4 gets a bunch of ferocious Shownieuws stars over them. The channel has instituted a kind of Marco Borsato ban and those critics find that a ‘cowardly choice’.

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RTL 4 will soon come with a program in which Dutch and Flemish singers sing songs from the country of the other. Participant Bart Peeters wanted to sing Dreams His Deceit. “But that was not allowed by the RTL 4 team. Because there is a judicial investigation against Marco,” he says in the newspaper Dag All.

Borsato ban

Bart therefore decided to go for the song Drank & Drugs, by the equally controversial Lil Kleine. “But that was also difficult, because a complaint is pending against him for abuse. In the end I chose a song by Herman van Veen”, says the Flemish singer.

An RTL spokesman confirms this The Telegraph. “That’s right. Indeed, several songs were discussed at that time. Also those of Marco Borsato and Lil Kleine. Ultimately, the choice fell on Herman van Veen’s number. The trade-offs in these kinds of situations are sometimes difficult. At that time and for this program, it seemed like the best choice.”


Marco has been under fire for some time because of allegations of misconduct by underage girls, but according to Evert Santegoeds, that is no reason to boycott his songs. “That RTL really has already decided that even Marco Borsato’s songs are infected… It’s really ridiculous, isn’t it?” Show news.

He continues: “It is not based on anything, but that is how far it goes now. I think it is becoming really excessive.”

Cowardly choice

Colleague Ronald Molendijk wonders why RTL speaks of ‘situations like this’. “May I ask what ‘this kind of situation’ is? First of all, we are talking about someone who simply sang Dutch songs who was not convicted. So there is no ‘this kind of situation’ at all, so what kind of choice is difficult?”

Evert: “No, it is a very cowardly choice.”

Ronald: “A cowardly choice? I just think it’s a downright antisocial choice! If we start digging with people, there is always something to find, right?”

Hazes songs

Evert points out that RTL should not allow songs by André Hazes. “If you want to sing Hazes songs, it is actually not possible, if you know what Rachel herself said about how old she was when she was in bed with André.”

Ronald: “I really don’t understand what those people think in their dull brains, that you completely sideline such a person.”
