‘Marco Borsato and his dirty fingers? He’s worse than Thijs Römer!’

While Thijs Römer has almost been put through the paper shredder, there are still quite a few people in the profession who spare Marco Borsato. Why? “He’s much worse!”


It seems that Marco Borsato’s chances for a comeback have been definitively lost now that the Public Prosecution Service has decided to prosecute him for sexual offenses with an underage girl. It is striking that people like Evert Santegoeds are so lenient towards him, while Thijs Römer has already been completely written off, says Yvonne Coldeweijer.

‘Worse than Thijs!’

Yvonne, who has more or less functioned as one of the whistleblowers in the Borsato case, does not understand that. “It is very different from Römer. Look, Thijs Römer was of course mainly digital,” she says in her podcast The Juice Show. “But Marco is of course not digital. It’s physical, so it’s actually a groping. Um, several.”

She continues: “And that of course makes it much worse than a Thijs Römer case. And you can imagine: have you seen how Thijs has completely lost his entire life? What will happen to Marco Borsato? Is this something we don’t expect to continue denying? Even if the evidence will soon be on the table?”

Audio tape

Marco mainly seems to be in trouble because of an audio tape. The mother of his alleged victim is said to have contacted him and recorded everything. “Actually, I have the feeling that Marco… That there is some kind of confession on tape… So yeah, then you’re screwed. Well, I haven’t heard that or anything. I don’t know what exactly he says,” says Yvonne.

What role does the mother play in this story? She worked for Marco. “What is often said, I notice, is: yes, because that mother was employed by Marco, perhaps she was in love with him. Or: she got fired and that’s why she was angry. All those crazy stories are going out into the world,” says Yvonne.

Dirty fingers

According to Yvonne, that has nothing to do with it. “Then I think: you still just don’t want to know. What does that have to do with where Marco placed his dirty fingers? Even though that mother was in love with Marco, which I can deny, but where has his fingers been? That’s kind of what this is about. And nothing else.”

According to the victim himself, Marco regularly visited them. She agrees The Telegraph: “The abuse started after my father’s death. I felt dirty about what he did to me, but I didn’t dare to resist because I was afraid of the consequences.”


Does Yvonne think Marco can ever make a comeback? “I think this is done. It was already ready. I think it’s over anyway, because a lot of people are just going to hear things that they find shocking. They just start thinking: I shouldn’t have anything to do with this.”

Finally: does Yvonne actually have contact with the victim? “I can’t say who I’m in contact with. I’m always in contact with spies. You can assume that.”
