March 8: initiatives for women

THEn the occasion of International Women’s Day, here are some events and initiatives to protect women and their health.

A park for women in Milan

The Parco 8 Marzo will open in Milan and will be the place of women’s creativity. “Nine years ago, during a restless night – he says Scarlett Traversa (former Culture President of the Zone 4 Council from 2011 to 2016, author of the resolution of 25.9.2014 on the creation of the 8 Marzo Park in the Porta Vittoria area) – I thought that my city should set up a large green area with sculptures and installations resulting from the work of female artists». She that she adds «For this reason, I pursued with determination the naming of a park after International Women’s Day: not a simple “floral tribute”, women deserve a living space that enhances their artistic and creative commitment. Because Culture will save us. This is the possibility that the Parco 8 Marzo in Milan will give us».

As Wednesday 8 March 2023, at 11.30 the ‘Parco 8 marzo’ will be inaugurated at Porta Vittoria (entrance from via Cervignano at the corner of via Monte Ortigara), a new green area with cycle and pedestrian paths, games for the little ones with spaces and tables for socializing throughout the neighborhood. The ceremony will begin and end with two poems by Antonia Pozzi read by the actress and director, Elisabetta Vergani. The mayor of Milan will participate Joseph Salathe architectural, landscape and agronomic designer Laura Gatti, the managing director of the Prelios Group Riccardo Serrini.

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Milan city of women

Milan City of Women also expected in the next few days numerous initiatives, from the center to the neighborhoods thanks to the collaboration between the Municipality, institutions, museums and the nine municipalities. In addition to the park, Friday 10 March there will be free admission to civic museums for all women. The Municipality proposes a path of works of art dedicated to the female universe in museums, museum houses, at the Monumental and at the Castello Sforzesco. In particular, the museums involved and with free admission for women will be: Museo del Novecento, Gam-Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Casa Museo Boschi di Stefano, Palazzo Morando, Mudec Museum of Cultures, Archaeological Museum, Museum of the Risorgimento and the Monumental Cemetery open-air museum.

On 10 March at 11 a walk will also start to enhance the women who have made Milan great. Some city streets will be traveled, remembering not only those to whom the place is named, but remembering the many women who in the various disciplines have contributed to the creation of our city and our country. The Mayor’s delegate Elena Lattuada, the President of the City Council, Elena Buscemi, the councilors Arianna Censi, Elena Grandi and Gaia Romani, the president of the Equal Opportunities and Rights Commission Diana De Marchi and the councilors Alice Arienta, Simonetta D’Amico, will participate. Roberta Osculati, Marzia Pontone, Natascia Tosoni, Angelica Vasile and Claudia Buccellati of the Stumbling Stones Association.

March 10th at 6.30pmat the former Fornace Alzaia Naviglio Pavese 16, Assunta Sarlo converses with Adriana Albini, head of the Laboratory of Vascular Biology and Angiogenesis of the IRCCS MultiMedica, Scientific Director of the MultiMedica Onlus Foundation and considered by the BBC one of the hundred most influential women in the world.

March 8 in prisons. The Municipal Administration, like every year, on 8 March, will donate the mimosa to the inmates and female staff of the S. Vittore Prison, the Opera and Bollate prisons, the Beccaria Juvenile Penal Institute and the Attenuated Custody Institution for Inmate Mothers (ICAM).

On 8 March at the CNAO in Pavia for cancer patients

Looking in the mirror and seeing your face again, not the representation of a disease. This too is an important achievement to celebrate on International Women’s Rights Day. She thought about it National Center of Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO) of Paviawith the involvement of the“The Pearls of Lunia” Associationwhich on March 8 will organize the event “I am a pearl of beauty”: a morning of talks and debates to help patients face life after the battle against head and neck cancer, rediscovering the desire to feel like women and take care of themselves, despite the indelible marks that this type of neoplasm often leave on the face. The meeting, which will take place in the CNAO Conference Room from 9:30 to 13:30, will be attended by over 50 patients from CNAO, Humanitas, IEO, Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, ICS Maugeri and Policlinico San Matteo. Also expected live stream on Youtube. The initiative has the patronage of AIOCC (Italian Association of Head and Neck Oncology), Onda Foundation (National Observatory on Women’s and Gender Health) and Paola Gonzato Network Sarcoma Onlus Trustand the non-conditioning contribution of La Roche Posay.

Red benches on the highways

On the occasion of 8 March, the international day of women’s rights, Autostrade per l’Italia has chosen to place the “Red Benches™” at your service areas. Made in collaboration with States General of Women HUB, Association chosen for its active commitment in contrasting all forms of abuse and for the support given to women in difficulty.

The first installations will be in Rome (Piazza Balsamo Crivelli and in the stations of Stura Est A26 – DT1; Prenestina Ovest A1 – DT5; Conero Est A14 – DT7), to then continue along the entire motorway network. Each bench is equipped with a Qr Code to listen to the podcast “Interrupted women stories of broken aspirations and new beginnings, all across Italy”.

Your work

It starts on March 8, International Women’s Rights Day, the sixth edition ofYour work” the Coop Alleanza 3.0 project dedicated to the recovery and enhancement of local masterpieces in the territories in which the Cooperative operates.

The start date of “Opera Tua” recalls the choice of Coop Alleanza 3.0 to make this edition special because it is dedicated to women’s art: treasures produced by female artists who over the centuries have painted, sculpted and expressed their talent in historical periods in which even culture, understood as artistic production, was the exclusive prerogative of men. For this reason, Coop Alleanza 3.0 has chosen to include the commitment to valorise local artistic masterpieces within the projects of “Close the gap – We reduce the differences”, the campaign that sees Coop engaged in the battle to reduce all gender inequalities, also involving members and consumers in a collective effort directed towards concrete objectives.

Follow the Pink – IEO Monzino

Follow the Pink, the initiative of the IEO-MONZINO Foundation entirely reserved for women to spread the culture of prevention, doubles again this year with its “spring edition”, anticipating the October edition with new proposals. March 8 is an occasion to remember that right prevention and early diagnosis are the two fundamental keys to tackling female cancers which still affect women today, despite an increase in the chances of recovery achieved thanks to the progress of medical-scientific research.

Support is renewed, also for theSpring 2023 edition, at the Women’s Cancer Center at IEOthe first center in Italy reserved for the world of female cancer in its entirety: from the management of the risk of getting sick, to early diagnosis, to therapies, up to reintegration into everyday life with the recovery of the individual life plan.

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March 8 against ageism

QVC campaign “I’m not old enough”

To raise public awareness on a topic that is very topical in Italy too, QVC Italy on the occasion of Women’s Day, he thus decided to launch an important social campaign“I’m not old enough” – which involves six Italian testimonials defined as going against the tide for life choices considered outside the canons of society. Some have been told that they are too young and others that they are too mature for the chosen path. Their strength was to continue to believe in their talent and values.

