Marcelo Tinelli in red: how much the driver owes according to the BCRA

The debts of Marcelo Tinelli were disclosed by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA). The businessman and television host appears in the list of the main debtors made by the entity and, according to a report published by Forbes, it is a total of 236 checks rejected in the last time in the companies of the driver.

The amount of debt of the companies LaFlia Contents and Advertising and Image SRL, founded by the driver of “Showmatch”amount to 633,229,384.17 pesos. In this regard, the first cases of checks without funds of the companies of Marcelo Tinelli They go back to the year 2019 and the last ones account for the first months of 2023.

“As regards personal or physical persons, the businessman and television host, hardly improves the previous figures. The Central Bank details the existence of 94 rejected checks between 2020 and 2022 for an amount close to 70 million. During That biennium, Tinelli covered 26 checks for 42.6 million pesos.According to the Central Bank’s debtors’ center, the driver paid only 27.6% of the checks he delivered in the cited period, although he covered almost 60.93 % of the monetary figures that he put into circulation through those documents,” the report said.

Checks not paid between March 6, 2020 and March 16, 2022 were also not covered during the recent months of March and April 2023, at which time Marcelo Tinelli reached an agreement with the channel authorities America to develop your schedule.

Finally, some sources from the television market explained that behind the arrival of Tinelli on the channel of Daniel Vila, Jose Luis Manzano, Gabriel Hochbaum and Claudio Belocopitt, the possibility of lifting all the debts of the companies directed by the successful presenter of legendary cycles of Argentine television, such as “Videomatch” and “Rhythm of the Night”.

by RN

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