Marcelo Corazza: Jorge Rial talked about the hidden camera of the scandal

More than 20 years ago, locking a group of young people in a house full of cameras and microphones was a groundbreaking event for local television. thus arose “Big Brother” in Telefe. This type of television product fed another that at that time was one of the most fashionable formats: gossip programs, which are still booming. At that moment, Jorge Rial and Luis Ventura, They were the most poignant and feared referents of this type of content. And the program of him, “Intruders”was the one who carried out a hidden camera to the winner of the first “Big Brother”, Marcelo Corazza (today detained accused of corruption of minors), in which they tried to make the young man “get out of closed”. Camera that Rial spoke about in his program, Argennzuela.

“It does surprise me, beyond certain things that happened after that failed and badly done hidden camera against Corazza, that it had nothing to do with this,” Rial clarified, who also claimed to be sorry for that personal exposure that put together his program in those years. On the other hand, journalist revealed that, some time after that controversial report, they received complaints of the same tenor about alleged abuse of minors that Corazza would have committed before participating in the reality show.

“After that we received many complaints about this particular issue, but we had been invalidated by this (the hidden camera). And today I am very surprised that he is in this situation,” explained Rial, who also made a mea culpa regarding not having paid more attention to the fact itself that had been denounced, even more so taking into account that, according to what the cause indicates judicial for which Corazza is detained today, he would have participated in events even before joining Big Brother in 2001. “When the complaint came to us, it came from three parents who I apologize from here because I did not give them a ball at that moment, because I felt that I was disabled,” Rial said.

Marcelo Corazza

Marcelo Corazza He was arrested on Monday, March 20, at his home in Tigre, while a case of corruption of minors is being investigated. The former Big Brother and current producer of Telefe is suspected of being part of an “organization aimed at recruiting vulnerable minors and adults in order to subject them to the practice of sexual relations and sexual exploitation without their consent, by exchange of money or personal or third-party satisfaction”.

In Telefe, Corazza was the one who received the participants of Big Brother who were leaving the house. And, as a former member of the program, she also participated in the night of the exes, a debate in which other former little brothers also participated. For this reason, when the news broke, the channel posted a statement in which it clarified that they had suspended breastplateaccording to the law, and that he was at the disposal of the Justice to contribute everything that it required.

Before the judge, the former Big Brother denied the accusations against him and refused to testify.

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