Marcel van Roosmalen too much in the media? “This is overexposure!”

Marcel van Roosmalen must guard against overkill now that he can also be seen on television every day, says media connoisseur Victor Vlam. “There is a real risk to it overexposure.”

© SBS 6

Lately it has been very bad Marcel van Roosmalen that the clock strikes in the media. Whether it’s radio, television or podcast: Marcel is everywhere. And media connoisseur Victor Vlam now fears that it is a bit too much starting to become, he says in the podcast The Communicados. He thinks the TV personality should watch out for overkill.


Victor thinks it’s all going to be a lot. “One thing that strikes me is the fact that there is really a lot of Marcel and Gijs at the moment, because in addition to the daily podcast and the daily television program, Marcel van Roosmalen also has a weekly column on Radio 1 at the Nieuws BV.”

He continues: “There is the risk of overexposure and also of the fact that it becomes very difficult to get all your creative juices right. replenish, so to speak. At a certain point there is also a chance that the inspiration will simply run out and that the quality will suffer.”


Co-host Lars Duursma has the same feeling. “Yes, and of course you can also scare viewers off at a certain point.”

Marcel would therefore do well to disappear from the media for a while, thinks Victor. “I think that is a good argument for Marcel and Gijs to take a nice long holiday after the end of this month, when they are done with their daily talk show.”

Grumpy bullshit

Such a media break will certainly sound good to Rick Romijn, the Johan Derksen of the radio. “I saw the program on Tuesday evening and it is really annoying. That Gijs… That grumpy bullshit all the time,” he says in the morning show of Radio 538.

Colleague Niels van Baarlen: “It’s a role. They’re playing this right?”

DJ Tim Klijn: “It’s a bit of attitude.”

‘I miss Wilfred’

Niels: “It takes a little too long, but I can enjoy it.”

Rick: “Do you like it?!”

Tim: “It’s something different again.”

Rick: “I’m so happy when Wilfred is back in a bit. I never thought I’d say that! haha. That is always a much more fun program.”
