Marcel van Roosmalen angry with Yvonne Coldeweijer: ‘Idiot!’

Marcel van Roosmalen thinks Yvonne Coldeweijer is behaving ‘morally’. He is very annoyed by a post she made about him in early February. “Because of the reaction that such nonsense provokes.”

© NPO, YouTube

At the beginning of last year, the AD caused a huge media frenzy about Marcel van Roosmalen. The newspaper read his book and wrote: “For years, columnist, writer and theater maker Marcel van Roosmalen (52) was immensely annoyed by his demented mother. Now that she is in a nursing home, he has broken off contact, we read in his new book.”

shit newspaper

It caused so much criticism that Marcel was forced to act in a talk show at the time. He told De Vooravond that although he no longer visits his mother often, he did not break contact. “I do notice that it is a kind of taboo.”

Eva Hoeke, Marcel’s wife, reacted furiously to the way AD promoted this article among its readers. “Soooo AD. What a populist, incendiary shit newspaper you are. Real. Stop it. This anchor is downright mean.”

frozen pizza

Two and a half months ago, this was all brought up by Yvonne, after Marcel mentioned her in Today Inside (then VI Inside) in a list of celebrities he hates.

After that broadcast, Yvonne posted a photo of the relevant AD article from then and placed the text: “Who is this gentleman, I hear you thinking. This is Marcel van Roosmalen. Last year I had fired him because he was so shocked by his demented mother’s condition that he had cut off contact. That’s why he hates me. Trust me, this guy is as hard as a frozen pizza.”


Marcel then reacted with irritation: “Lesson 1 in investigative journalism, never base yourself on the AD. Never lost touch with my mother”

Yvonne not long afterwards: “I see that my opinion is based on incorrect information. I hear from many people (including my mother) that Marcel van Roosmalen loves his mother very much. So here’s a correction and hope that we can still somewhat assume that what the AD publishes is actually true.”

Marcel then conciliatory: “Already further than the AD.”


Two and a half months later, Marcel is still a bit concerned. He tells in Veronica Superguide that he is not always stoic. “If comments are very personal, then I do care: what a shit father you are, what a dirty guy you are.”

He continues: “Or if someone claims something that is absolutely not true, such as Yvonne Coldeweijer who wrote that I never go to my mother with dementia. Then I think: look into it! It doesn’t wake me up, but I think it’s moronic, also because of the reactions that such nonsense elicits.”

“I have a mailbox full of angry people saying, ‘Respect your mother, you were born of her’. Some family members partly believe what is written about me in the media, staff members of healthcare institutions react indignantly. That doesn’t really affect me, but I don’t like it either.”
