Marcel from Dongen received the first of 544 ribbons: ‘This is so special’

The first ribbon in Brabant was awarded on Tuesday to Marcel van Hattum from Dongen. And that came as a surprise to the ‘super volunteer’ at no fewer than five associations. Van Hattum knew nothing about it, but when the mayor was at the door, the penny dropped. Not much later, the magic words were spoken: ‘It has pleased His Majesty the King…’ And that sentence will be pronounced no less than 544 times in our province on Tuesday.

So to start in Dongen. At half past eight the mayor, members of the orange committee and friends and family gather on the corner of the street. “This is the best moment”, Mayor Marina Starmans says with a big smile. “These people don’t expect it and they don’t do it for that.”

“I missed this so much, it’s so much fun to do.”

The Royal decoration was not personally awarded for two years. But now it’s possible again and that’s why the Mayor of Dongen shines extra. “I missed this so much, because it’s so much fun to do. You really surprise people, that’s why I hope Marcel doesn’t know anything at all.” And that’s right: Van Hattum doesn’t realize anything, at least until he sees the mayor walk past with a camera crew.

“Now I have a suspicion,” says Van Hattum when the mayor is in his living room. “But until two minutes ago I had no idea, otherwise I would have done something else.” Marcel and his wife thought they had to go to Breda today, because brother-in-law Hans will also receive a ribbon. “But now the party is in Dongen.”

“Your warm, cordial nature is greatly appreciated.”

But before the ribbon is tied up and can be toasted to it, it is first time for a speech in which all the merits of Van Hattum are summed up. “You are a big sports fanatic, but above all a club man and a great club manager,” says the mayor. “There are many people who care about you, who really appreciate your commitment. Your warm, cordial nature is greatly appreciated.”

And then during this rain of ribbons it sounds: “It has pleased His Majesty the King to appoint you, Marcel van Hattum, as a Member of the Order of Orange-Nassau.”

“It feels special, really very special.”

Shining with pride, Van Hattum stands in his own living room. “You always read in the newspaper that people are surprised, then I always think: ‘that’s not possible, you have to realize something’. But I really didn’t notice anything.” It makes Marcel extra proud that he has received the first ribbon. “It feels special, really special. It’s an appreciation for everything I’ve done. I’ve volunteered for years.” But Van Hattum should not think about stopping. “I’m going even further, I’m already working on an ecological path that we want to build here in Dongen.”

There is not much time for the mayor and the orange committee to celebrate. There are still three royal awards to be presented before noon. And so the bus continues to the next address.
