Marc Márquez reappears in Austria… from the box!

08/18/2022 at 00:11


The man from Lleida will be at the Red Bull Ring as a consultant for Honda. Márquez presses for the Japanese brand to improve its performance

MotoGP is expectant before the Return The eight-time world champion has traveled to Austria to demand, among other things, improvements from Honda before his reappearance on the circuits scheduled for the Aragon Grand Prix. After his fourth operation on the humerus, the Catalan he now seems fully recovered from all his ailments.

Márquez has dropped that he is very unhappy with the performance of the Japanese factory. The HRC team is in ninth position in the Constructors’ World Championship and it does not seem that his performance will improve in the remainder of the season with the potential risk of falls for the player from Lleida.

Peco Bagnaiawinner of the last race at Silverstone, he is the fittest man in the World Cup based on his latest results. In the last seven World Cup races he has won or crashed, there has been no midpoint, collecting four wins and three zeros.

These events have caused the victory quota in the World Cup in Bagnaia to skyrocket to [3.50] being a very interesting bet for the long-term market.

And what will happen to the leader?

The Italian has found the right rhythm with the Ducati and we’ll see if he can come back with 10 races to go. 49 points is the difference that separates him from Fabio Quartararo, current champion of the category, who is also not overly satisfied with a Yamaha that has not performed well in the last two races, adding just eight points.

That is why the victory quota in the World Cup Quartararo has fallen to [1.46] after recent disappointing results. Perhaps in Austria the quotas on this matter can be further changed. Bagnaia goes all or nothing.

We will see if what happens with the third party in contention. We are talking about the only Spaniard with a chance of winning the World Cup who is an Aleix Espargaró who’s getting oil out of the Aprilia. The Catalan rider is 22 points off the lead in the World Championship, but there is no overconfidence that he will improve the performance of the Italian bike.

That is why his share of victory in the World Cup is down to [4.50]. Espargaró has a great opportunity at a circuit where Brad Binder won last year on a KTM. There are plenty of options for the surprise to jump and all with Márquez watching from the pits.
