Marc Marquez how he trains to accelerate his return to MotoGP

The eight-time world champion is recovering after his fourth operation on his right humerus. A lot of work in the gym, while running helps to perfect intensity. In addition, he suggests that he is inspired by the legend of boxing, who passed away in 2016

Federico Mariani

01 August

MotoGP ends the summer holidays with the British GP, but Marc Marquez will not be at Silverstone either. The Spaniard, eight times world champion in MotoGP, is still struggling with rehabilitation after the fourth operation on his right humerus that has been afflicting him so much in recent years. Confidence, however, does not seem to be lacking judging by videos and photos of his workouts posted on Instagram. Marquez talked about how the routine proceeds, including detailed programs and illustrious models from which to draw inspiration.


The last shot shows a smiling Marc, with his left arm contracted as if to flex his muscles. And then, on a white sheet, an emblematic phrase, belonging to the legend of boxing Muhammad Ali, who died in 2016: “Don’t count the days, but let the days count”. In short, it is better to put quality before the quantity of time spent. The leaflet, placed on the mirror of the gym where Marquez trains, underlines the determination and the desire to return of the 29-year-old Spaniard.


Also on social media, the Honda champion showed other details of his rehabilitation. After breakfast, we move on to the cardio part with long walks or jogging at a gentle pace. The intensity is gradually raised, passing to much more sustained gaits or repeated bursts in rapid sequence. Together with him, to keep him company, there is always his brother Alex, ready to become a Ducati rider in 2023. The few images do not allow us to establish what the actual condition of Marquez is, unbalancing on his return. Marc certainly seems to be pawing, ready to restart after the stop in 2022, with the hope that it was the last stage of the long ordeal.
