Marc-Marie thinks Tim Hofman is too cynical about a chat with Rutte

Marc-Marie Huijbregts thinks that Tim Hofman reacts much too cynically to an intimate get-together between Mark Rutte and Jesse Klaver. “I think that’s really good to see. Nothing wrong with it.”


Mark Rutte is leaving politics, after all these years as Prime Minister of our country. Even Geert Wilders showered him with compliments as a thank you for his services because of that announcement. An intimate chat also took place between the outgoing prime minister and Jesse Klaver. The images of that go viral.

“Is this Lucky TV?”

The two shake hands in the fragment. Rutte thanks the GroenLinks leader for his call: “Hey dude, thank you for calling yesterday. Yes, I love you.”

Tim Hofman thinks that is really not possible. He tweets furious about it: “Sincerely looking for a Lucky TV logo, but this is just really how opposition and ruling power are with each other. 🥲”

Tim angry

Tim from GroenLinks is very disappointed. “The sanctification of a nice beer with the political opposition. How is that then?

VDD-er: ‘Just one with another law, another welfare mother got stuck 🤣.’

GL-er: ‘Sand on it! Bartender, two golden yellow cylinders please!!!’

And then have a conversation about the same loafers.”


Marc-Marie Huijbregts thinks this is all very cynical of Tim. He tweeted: “I think that’s good to see. Nothing wrong with it.”

De Correspondent editor-in-chief Rob Wijnberg agrees: “Okay, a bit soggy yes. But to be honest, I am glad that we live in a country where politicians treat each other in this way instead of personally killing each other. I don’t see the ‘power and opposition’ in the US doing it, and look at how that country is doing.”

Fever dream

Panorama journalist Rowan Geleijnse doesn’t see it as a problem either. “Regardless of whether you think this is good or bad, I think that this kind of personal contact is more or less necessary in order not to lose yourself completely in the feverish dream that is political The Hague,” he tweeted.

Former Member of Parliament Femke Merel van Kooten does understand Tim: “’I love you?…’ 😳 GroenLinks has been holding cabinets Rutte through the Senate for years in the saddle. Often completely unclear what they get in return in the back rooms. I do understand that Rutte has warm feelings about that. But how does this feel for GroenLinks voters?”


Tim’s tweet:
