Marc-Marie Huijbregts slaughters B&B Astrid: ‘Psychically disturbed!’

Marc-Marie Huijbregts strongly believes that Astrid Vos from the RTL 4-hit B&B Vol Liefde is not completely mentally well. “A whole team has to come and investigate her.”


Astrid Vos runs a bed & breakfast in Austria and is one of the candidates in the current season of B&B Vol Liefde. The goal of this program is to find love, but Astrid shouts out loud that there is no place in her heart for a new man. She mainly wants to focus on her two children, she says.

‘Psychologically not well’

The gentlemen who came to Astrid are all very gentle, while Astrid is a very strict aunt. She therefore continuously waltzes all over the men. One of them even screamed her ears a week and a half ago, after which she apologized in RTL Boulevard crying.

That woman is not quite well, concludes Marc-Marie Huijbregts in his podcast. “That woman, that Astrid in Austria, a whole team has to come to investigate her. Yes, a psychic team. Yes, she is really not well.”

“Not well done!”

Marc-Marie thinks Astrid is very weird with potential partners. “Every time she acts as if the people who come for her are guests in her B&B. She yells every time: ‘Now I retire with my children upstairs in the private!’ And then those men are not allowed to go upstairs to the private.”

According to the comedian, the way Astrid treats people is terrible. “She was recently on some program crying: ‘Yes, I made such a terrible embarrassment to Harm-Jan.’ Yes, you should have thought of that then! He now sees himself again and thinks: I hadn’t done that right. No, you certainly wouldn’t have done that right, Astrid!”


Astrid is a pretty exhausting candidate, Marc-Marie thinks. “She’s also like, ‘I’m a lioness all the time, aren’t I? They are my children, my children.’ Yeah, but yeah, those kids aren’t kids of two or something, you know.”

In his opinion, she simply should not have participated in that program at all. “I think it’s a good idea for her anyway to just not look for a relationship, because I think the only one who can live with her is a blow-up doll or something.”


Astrid goes all the way in B&B Full of Love:
