Marc-Marie Huijbregts jumps into the breach for troubled Irene Moors

Marc-Marie Huijbregts jumps into the breach for Irene Moors. He understands the annoyed reaction of the harassed presenter. “Can I stand up for her a little bit?”


It seems that Irene Moors is a bit bitter about how her TV career ended, as she has come across as quite petulant and irritable in the media for quite some time now. Recently she was angry again with Private star journalist Jan Uriot, because he had quoted her in a headline and she apparently regretted her harsh statement.

Irene is acting weird

The headline in question? ‘Irene Moors: ‘The book Carlo is closed to me’. According to Irene, it was all suggestive, taken out of context, etcetera, etcetera. A bit of the average reaction of celebrities when they regret their statements, so to speak. It made Jan angry. “Don’t be silly with me!” he yelled.

Jan comes in podcast back to Marc-Marie Huijbregts. “I have a little fit with Irene Moors. You’ve got more than I think lately, but now I’ve got one too. I spoke to Irene Moors at the premiere of The Bodyguard. Then you are chatting a bit with a glass of wine in your hand.”

Round numbers

Irene then simply said what she said, says Jan. “I asked: ‘How are things going with De TV Kantine and with Carlo and stuff?’ She says: ‘Carlo’s book is closed, I like round numbers, we’ve been together for thirty years and it’s just time for something different. I also absolutely never want to play Kim Holland again.’”

He continues: “Well, we all understand that. Well, then my headline in the paper is, “The book with Carlo is closed,” and she’s going to comment on the Insta stories and say, “It’s a suggestive headline!” I think it’s not too bad, because she just said it and what’s suggestive about it? Carlo’s book is indeed really closed.”

Marc-Marie in breach

Jan called Irene by phone. “I just wanted to know from her why she makes such a state of it on that Insta. Then I think: just don’t do that. She knows my tone and it is always light and humorous and so on. She has known that for 20 or 25 years.”

His co-host Marc-Marie steps into the breach for her. “Can I stand up for Irene Moors a bit? Because she did that for me a few times. I don’t know her, but I do have a sympathy for her. It was a few weeks ago, wasn’t it, The Bodyguard. That was not last weekend or the weekend before.”

Pen and paper

That was quite some time before publication, says Marc-Marie. “Then you’re just chatting, so to speak. You don’t have a pen and paper with you and you don’t stand in a raincoat and a newspaper with two holes in it. So you are chatting among yourselves as an audience.”

He continues: “Then I can imagine that you sometimes say things to you that you don’t even think about and when you suddenly see it weeks later in the newspaper, you think: where did this come from?! I can imagine that.”

World condition

Jan: “She is shocked by her own words.”

Marc-Marie: “Exactly.”

Jan: “Then I think: just admit that and get over it. Of course it is not a world condition. It’s about Carlo and Irene who might move on or not.”

He always brings everything with a wink, says Jan. “That’s how you know me, right? stop with me.”
