Marc-Marie Huijbregts furious with Birgit Schuurman: ‘Stop it!’

Marc-Marie Huijbregts is very angry and furious with Birgit Schuurman, because her boyfriend has revealed in an interview that she finds his voice so terrible. “Just let me out of your fucking life!”

© RTL, Andy Tan

Birgit Schuurman and her friend Sander van Haarlem gave a double interview to LINDA last summer. In it they tell that they met each other on Instagram. “I saw Sander’s beautiful head as a profile picture and sent back a blushing smiley,” said Katja Schuurman’s sister.

terrible voice

And then what happened? Sander: “We texted back and forth for a while and Birgit suggested we meet. I’m quite sensitive to voices, she said, and if you have a voice like Marc-Marie Huijbregts’s, it won’t work. I thought that was funny and we met on neutral ground, on a bench in the Vondelpark.”

Birgit: “He turned out to have a special voice. Not a high voice, but a remarkably low one. Sander is a personal trainer, his voice makes him a sort of drill sergeant. If he gives bootcamp in the Vondelpark near the wading pool, you can hear his low bass voice throughout the park.”

Marc-Marie angry

Marc-Marie turns out to be very angry about this. “I was looking at old magazines this week. Have you ever quietly read an interview with someone else, in which it is not about you at all, and suddenly they start talking about you! I think that’s super stupid,” he says in the latest episode of his podcast Marc-Marie & Aaf Find Something

He continues: “People I’ve never met, for example! Birgit Schuurman started about it. ‘Well ehhh I think when I meet a man and stuff then I think a voice is important. Not that he has a voice like Marc-Marie.’ I thought that was voice shaming.”

‘To hold up!’

Birgit goes way too far with this, Marc-Marie thinks. “I don’t think so at all… I hadn’t asked for it at all. I don’t know her at all. Just let me out of your fucking life, Birgit Schuurman. People have to stop with that. They should just talk about their own lives and not involve anyone else.”
