Marc-Marie Huijbregts doesn’t think Leontine Ruiters is doing well

Marc-Marie Huijbregts does not think it is fair that Leontine Ruiters visits the media with her new lover John Huiberts, while his ex is experiencing an incredibly difficult time. “Think about that.”

© Instagram, RTL

Leontine Ruiters has hooked up an even richer guy after Marco Borsato: John Huiberts. The two recently invited paparazzo Edwin Smulders to Ibiza to make an entire photo report of them. Leontine and John came under a lot of criticism for this, including from Bridget Maasland and Evert Sankrediets.

Criticism of Leontine

John’s ex-wife, Marieke, is now quite through. She posted a photo on Instagram of two garbage bags full of old gladiolus standing by the waste container. “It is sometimes difficult to put into words what you feel. And then suddenly you see something that exactly reflects that feeling. Recognizable?” she writes.

Marc-Marie Huijbregts finds that incredibly sad. He thinks that Leontine is doing this wrong. “I also wish her well, but what I always find difficult is that if you are known and you get a new relationship, then I think you should think a bit about the previous relationship of the other,” he says in to be podcast.

Garbage bags

The contrast is very painful, Marc-Marie thinks. “Leontine is suddenly in the spotlights of: how happy I am, and stuff. But that ex had posted a photo on Instagram of two large garbage bags with gladiolus. She feels like a finished gladiolus. Then I thought: we don’t think about that too much, I think. Try to be a little nice about it.”

It is not that Leontine and John were accidentally photographed, according to the comedian. “Leontine Ruiters has really sought publicity. I think you should pay attention to that.”

From the rooftops

Private boss Evert Sankrediets agrees. “Leontine shouts from the rooftops that she has found happiness with her Brabant John. Well, I can imagine something. It’s a good match, but you can also imagine that John, who is 51, already has a history of love.”

According to Evert, the post from John’s ex is ‘extremely poignant’. Last week he went big with it in the Privé. “One woman pays the price for Leontine’s newfound happiness,” read the headline.
